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(Popularity: 10) How do you prevent sexual dysfunction, date sex dolls most effectively, and start your journey of happiness?

here. But this is too weird to share. But first, let me directly answer your question: no. No, you shouldn’t buy sex dolls. You also probably shouldn’t hire a prostitute unless you have a way to find someone who actually volunteers to enter the trade and you have a way to ensure that the risk of STIs is low. (Of course it won’t be zero no matter who you’re with) Okay. my story. I am doing some online dating. Met a guy who seemed funny, smart, kind, albeit a little weird/awkward. Decided to meet him in person. Arrive at his home, which is so filthy it looks like an episode of Hoarders. I immediately looked for a polite exit. Then he told me he was happy to meet me because he thought he would never meet anyone for a relationship. He said he was so sure he would be alone forever, so he bought a sex doll from the internet, one of the expensive high-quality dolls. It came in a large box the size and shape of a coffin, and neighbors were curious when the delivery man put it on the porch. Unfortunately, when the man tried to have sex with him, he found it wasn’t what he wanted and he never wanted to do it again. He wants to get rid of it. But how to get rid of life-size female sex dolls? Can’t put his trash can. So he decided to cut it into pieces so it could go in the trash. Unfortunately, when he cut it open, he realized it looked a lot like a serial killer, with those arms, legs, torso and head chopped off. He didn’t dare toss it in the trash, lest garbage collectors freak out when they found body parts in the trash. So… dismembered life-size sex dolls tucked under his bed. Immediately it occurred to me that it was too much like a serial killer. I got out of there without going to see what might be in his fridge. I do not want to know. Don’t be that person. seriously.if

(Popularity: 84) What are the sex toys in Phuket?

The sex toy industry has to offer. Without a doubt, they are one of the best sex toy sites we’ve ever bought, simply because of the sheer number of quality toys they sell. Best of all, they have locations all over the world, so no matter what continent you find yourself on and need some sexual tension relief, they have great shipping prices. This is a great option if you want to see a wide variety of toys at various prices. Be aware that some of their toys are made of porous/potentially toxic materials, so be sure to read the info on the toy before buying.They also stock a lot of BDSM gear and underwear

(Popularity: 22) I’m looking for an ebony torso sex doll with breasts, ass, anus and vagina. Does anyone know of a trusted site that sells quality, discreet and intimate torso sex dolls?

you, hope it helps you. Torso sex dolls sex dolls include full size sex dolls and half sex dolls.Are you looking for TPE Torso Sex Dolls, that’s right x sex company place. This collection is all half body sex dolls, with big breasted torso love dolls and big ass semi-realistic dolls. If you want to find a half sex doll with a dick, our site also has it for sale.advertise

(Popularity: 64) Friends, do you think the Kardashian sisters are attractive?

She followed in her footsteps. Then they used it to sell products and gay dolls got rich. I would never find any of them attractive. Their lips swell like an allergic reaction.Their waists have been squeezed and compressed to the point of

(Popularity: 89) What is a silicone doll?

My sexual taste and anticipation of people… oh wait… I totally fucking do this. OK.Men who have sex with silicone dolls, talk casually x sex company Tell me why you did it and why it let you down. I’d love to know why this is your business (in the comments to this answer, no other answers, and certainly not my private information on any site). The proposal ends once you start talking about silicone sex dolls being better than alternative human options in any way other than physical or mental sexual satisfaction. I totally disagree with the idea that silicone sex dolls feel better than hands, mouth, butt or pussy. totally disagree. After all, my silicone dildo feels so much better than a hand or a dick. I totally disagree with the idea that fucking a silicone sex doll is more mentally stimulating than fucking a guy. I can dig that. Pretending to be a sex doll is one of my favorite fetishes, so I totally get that. I totally disagree with the idea that silicone sex dolls are a better investment of your resources because honestly you just want to fuck something that’s not your hand and you’d rather spend money on a toy than spend time, effort and money on a person. I can appreciate efficient resource allocation. What I’m not totally against is the suggestion that silicone sex dolls are better than people because people won’t let you fuck them, it will make you angry and miserable. Silicone sex dolls are one thing. A person is a person. To quote Annika Peacock, people are better than things. But beyond that, I have nothing to say. Oh, but if you’re sick of silicone and just want someone who will pretend to be a doll… (for god’s sake, I swear it’s all good)

(Popularity: 15) How to take care of my silicone doll?

ing – Never trust rough advice. Such as alcohol, gasoline or decolorizers. Buying ointment is just one click away. Hey bro, any common sense? It’s silica and it will corrode your doll. Just a simple clean, water and body wash, use what you use for your doll. What about particularly stubborn stains? Oliver or cooking oil. Pour a bit on a cotton pad and it works every time. Except for large areas of dye, ointment is not recommended and the problem is serious. Wigs – ibid. You must know that your doll needs care. If you are too busy, you can just use WM Dollstie hair and wash your hair for 2 months. Don’t ask why, can you put up with not washing your hair for a month? It’s like shampooing but not stirring just kneading lightly. Conditioner can make it more silky. After washing, mix well with water and conditioner, soak, OK, soak for half an hour, take out, and air dry naturally. Don’t make any excuses, it’s not difficult once you start. Dyeing – oh, dyeing! I hate dyeing! People say don’t buy dark clothes. Well, if you like dark colors please buy good quality, please don’t include shipping for $9.9, okay? Dude, your doll has $2000. Well, if you still opt for the $9.9, then at least wash it before wearing it. One more wash will result in a lot less staining. Also, put baby powder instead of liquid foundation! Baby powder is a normal maintenance tool that adds touch and reduces grease, always baby powder you will be pleasantly surprised. Don’t worry about staining, light stains can be absorbed by oily lotions (olive oil). The chemistry teacher will tell you it’s not a serious problem and will slowly evaporate. Large areas or severe staining can be removed with ointment, use with care. Vaginal Cleansing – Include cleanser as a gift. 3 channels are available. Virgo, get ready! Things are cheap and convenient. you will get it. Like a pan, in and out. There will be residual water, which will flow out when you sit down, and the hair dryer will dry it completely faster. The mouth can be kissed, people with bad breath, remember to wash after use, don’t ask why, experience! Makeup – olive oil, the all-purpose olive oil! Including $9.9 shipping. Damn, thanks E-Bay. Very useful. It can delete everything. Beginners, don’t try to remove eyebrows, only a few people can do it. You can start with lips and update to lashes or eyeliner. Buy any eyeballs you like and changeable. You’ll be amazed by the overall mix. Wigs, good quality and light color are recommended. No need to envy other people’s dolls, they will take their time to look after them. Phoenixes are pheasants and don’t take time to care for them. Try looking for tutorials on Instagram, YouTube and blogs to focus on what you need. You will love it when you know it. SM â€?No judging, just some advice for people with special interests. Skeletons are not 360 degrees. Ask about the widest range of activity, you don’t want to ship it back for repair. Cut off your long nails and shake the nails before grasping and pinching. It’s good to leave traces, but it’s not good to be torn. Well, if you want a super hot experience, bro, put on a dress. Basically no damage. Buying – this is an important question. 98% of online sellers are resellers. I mean doll makers are rich, at least $100,000 invested, no one is going to ruin their reputation with one doll. You buy what you pay for. Note that 100% silicone dolls will not cost less than $2000 or you will be scammed. Some new sellers may do short-term promotions, but prices will definitely go up for a while. Many dolls are made of synthetic silicone or TPE, but sellers insist it is silicone. impossible! I prefer to buy one that has a personal website and an Amazon store so I can troubleshoot after sales. Find the right, the price and quality of the same level is not much different. Keep your eyes open and choose a seller with good service and professionalism. Storage – is this a bonus? The suitcase can put down 65CM to 105CM, which is no longer large. I remember that there is a store that provides a sofa-style storage box, which is relatively safe. It looks like a sofa from the outside, and then put a sofa cover on it. Remember to wrap the blanket, otherwise you will feel distressed. Second, put baby powder at partition time. Controlling oils and dyes is very important. If your doll has a lot of oil, it will automatically absorb the color. Third, it’s fine to keep your doll in the closet, but don’t curl up all the time, keep the joints moving, or you can easily get burned. fourth,

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