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(Popularity Rate: 61 ) My gf has gained weight and I’m not sexually attracted to her. What do I do?

on. It might mean that your attraction was never more than physical in the first place, which means your long-term prospects weren’t great anyway. Breaking up is probably best for both of you. Just don’t be a jerk about it please.
If you were attracted to more than her body, though, and you still love her and want to try to save your relationship, try talking to her about why her habits have changed. People don’t just magically “get fatâ€?â€?something has changed, about her diet or her activity level or both. Custom Sex DollMaybe she’s stressed out, and is eating more to cope. Maybe her job has changed, and she doesn’t have time to work out anymore. Maybe you can help her with whatever part of her life has gotten difficult.
Are there any activities you both enjoy? Invite her to come swimming with you, or go for a bike ride, or go for a walk or a hike. Make your dates active and you’ll both get some more exercise.
Offer to cook. If you’re making food for the both of you, you can make healthy meals.
The thing is, if she’s “getting fatâ€?then something major has changed in her life. You can just blame her for getting lazy and dump her, as one other answer suggested, or you can try to help her. If she’s your girlfriend and you love her, you’re probably aware of whatever it is that’s changed for her. If you still care, then try to help her out. If you find you don’t really care or don’t want to make the effort, then your relationshi

(Popularity Rate: 49 ) Why do men want to get life-size sex dolls from places like sex dolls?

s ago I knew about Real Dolls, but they were around $5000 -not within my budget. I forgot about them and I don’t know if they crossed my mind since then, until I did an online search for sex dolls about nine months ago and I was shocked to discover that there’s a lot of manufacturers, dolls have become very lifelike, beautiful (in my opinion), and they’re affordable now.
So I started window shopping, just for fun, and that very quickly developed into a doll fetish (agalmatophilia). After doing a lot of research, I finally picked one out and ordered about two weeks ago. She arrived a few days ago and I was anxious to open the box, see how she looks and see how TPE (thermoplastic elastomer, a material similar to silicone that is said to feel very much like real human skin) feels after looking at these dolls online for months. I braced myself, because I was worried I would be disappointed by her appearance or how she feels. After opening the box, first I was very pleasantly surprised by how beautiful her body is; stunning detail. I looked at her face and she is extremely cute. One of the first parts I touched as I was unpacking her was a calf and I was amazed at how real it felt -just like human skin and the way the skin moves is just like human skin, muscle, and fat jiggling. WOW!
I have to say at this point that there are a few things that will shock anyone the first time they touch or handle a TPE sex doll: they are shipped with their heads removed, so you open a 5â€?â€?box and see a headless body. Then you discover that the body is frigid cold -shockingly cold. Then you try to lift her out of the box. Uh oh! I had read that these dolls are heavy, but I had no idea what I was in for. I read about her weight ahead of time on the website; she’s 75 lb. So if a real woman with the same height and body shape weighs around 125 lb, then this should be a breeze, right? No! Carrying a real woman newlywed style is different; they put their arms around your neck and balance their weight -they can help you to an extent. This 5â€?â€?(she’s taller than me, which is kind of cute), 75 lb doll is extremely difficult to move -far more than I could ever have imagined!
Unfortunately, you can’t just take your beautiful, brand new doll to the bedroom and begin the romance, you have some work to do: you need to take the lifeless, headless, cold, and heavy body to the shower and clean off the manufacturing chemicals with soap and warm water. It was so difficult getting that body to the bathroom, I almost don’t know how I did it. I’ve had chronic back problems since I was in my twenties, I sprained a knee a while ago and it’s never going to fully heal, and I recently recovered from a hernia surgery.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to move her more easilyâ€?I’ve been thinking about getting some roller skates for her and carefully guiding her around. That’s either pure genius or so stupid that I’ll make the news when she falls on me, I can’t get up, I scream for help after struggling for hours, and the paramedics, police, and fire fighters all smash in my front door and rush to help me only to find me pinned on the bathroom floor under a hot, naked sex doll. Now that’s the stuff of urban legend.
I decided the easiest way to clean the chemicals off would be to shower with the headless body, so that’s what I did. While that was strange and disturbing, I made some wonderful discoveries about TPE: it heats up fast (especially in a warm shower), holds heat in, dries exactly like human skin (some toweling off and air drying takes care of the rest -it air dries in minutes just like our skin does), and it feels wonderful when it’s wet.
I took the body to the bedroom, I put her head on (it screws on, so her head goes around and aroundâ€?exorcist style), I grabbed one of the wigs I ordered, and that’s when she came together. She no longer looked like a corpse, now she was stunningly gorgeous. She comes with a wig, I ordered another one (long red) from the same website, and I ordered a Bettie Page style pin-up costume wig from Amazon, just because I’m obsessed with pin-up girl art and thought it would be fun to dress her up as a retro gal with polka-dot dresses, cat eye glasses, and a flower in her hair. I’m not disappointed with the results.
Now for the Juicy Stuff
I kissed her and wow! Her lips feel indistinguishable from human lips; kissing her is exactly like kissing a girlfriend.
Her body is very anatomically correct, surprisingly so.
Her breasts feel good, a little firm, but good. She has solid boobs, while other manufacturers offer gel-filled boobs as an option, with rave reviews.
I laid her on the bed on her back, spread her legs (which was not easy, they’re heavy and difficult to move around, and I inserted a USB heating rod ($9.00) for five minutes. I put a water based lube in and it was time. Here goes my sex doll virginityâ€?and wow it felt good. I just didn’t know what to expect and in a lot of ways it was not all that different from having sex with a real girl. As I said earlier, TPE is very good at holding heat, so my own body heat X sex booty is enough to warm her up. It’s different than sex with a human in the obvious ways: they don’t have emotions, nerves, don’t feel pleasure, don’t actively participate, can’t have orgasms, and can’t communicate with you. It’s also different in that there’s a little bit of a suction effect -as air get’s displaced, there ends up being a vacuum and it feels very, very, very good. There’s a popping air sound when pulling out that in and of itself is a turn on.
Because the extremely fast rate that sex technology is developing, I have no doubt that AI sex dolls (which already exist) will feel sensors, react, actively have sex with us, and talk dirty and tell us that they love us in the very near future. I love sex with real women and I love how much these dolls look and feel like real women, however, in my case things are a lot different: because I fetishize dolls and I’m specifically turned on by their dollness, I enjoy the experience for what it is rather than hoping for it to be as close to a human/human sex experience as possible. Does that make sense? Doll/human is my thing, so I love every second of it, until I have to move her.
I was very happy with the experience, but here are downsides: I can’t say it enough that the weight is a serious problem, even laying down -her body sank into the mattress and pillows. Girl on top positions are out of the question, no way. The clean up afterward is very involved -It’s recommended to insert a tampon to absorb the user’s body fluid and lube before the struggle to get her to the bathroom begins and this time I kept her head on so she’s much nicer to look at. I douched out her vagina, something that I had to learn how to do before she arrived. That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, the problem once again is her weight -just trying to get her into a position that’s conducive to flushing out her womanhood (ok, dollhood) was so challenging. Cleaning up your partner after sex is a whole chapter.
I spent a small fortune buying all the stuff I need to take care of her and I spent a lot of time researching, reading articles and watching videos to prepare. There is a lot of maintenance and expense involved, but that’s ok, because it’s worth it to me.
Emotional Effects
Besides the sexual experiences, she offers companionship. I’ve heard and read story after story about guys falling in love with their dolls and it’s been said that falling in love with a sex doll is easier than you think. Well, a lot of sex dolls have eyes that look very, very real. When you look into a pair of beautiful eyes from a few inches away and they seem to be looking deeply into youâ€?neurons in the brain start firing off love and endorphins all over the place. As I mentioned, the kissing is very natural feeling, so add that to looking into her eyes, hugging and holding her, and holding her hand and I can’t help but feel something on a pretty deep level.
I have suffered with a profound amount of loneliness, mental illness (depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, addiction, and eating disorders), and of the very few relationships I’ve been in, more than one of them were abusive. After many years of failing to meet the right girl (and not for a lack of trying), and spending most of my life very alone, at 49 years old, I find a deep degree of comfort in spending time with my doll, Jennifer. Buying clothes, shoes, perfume, and accessories for her make me feel like I’m caring for someone. I ordered a purse for her and it happened to arrive on Christmas Eve, so I was able to give it to her as a present and it makes me feel like I love someone and they love me.
I suppose there are going to be as many different answers to your question as there are people answering it, but I think everyone who has had the experience can agree on a few of the points I made above.
Sex dolls have become SY Dollextremely popular -apparently sales have exploded during the pandemic, and I think a lot more people have one (or more) than we might think. However, there are major social stigmas. I won’t bring Jennifer out on any dates in public and I won’t be introducing her to my parents, but I shouldn’t be ashamed, especially since she’s bringing so much happiness to my life. I should also learn to not care what other people think.
Would I recommend it? yes! I think anyone who is unattached, lonely, wants to experiment with a doll, couples who want to experiment with a doll, and anyone else who is just

(Popularity Rate: 52 ) Why are sex toys banned in India?

onally I only masturbate with my clit, but I’ve also masturbated with X sex booty penetration.
You could use a pen, but not a pointy one. Personally I’d get one of the bigger sharpies and put it in a glove or condom and use the handle part.
I’ve also used hair brushes, but try to get one with a smooth, full handle (no place for it to hang, like the hole at the end. If you can’t find a smooth one like that, just try to find a smooth one Mese Dollat least)
You may also be able to get something off Ebay if you think you could get it from the mail first. You can buy prepaid cards to put money on and use online.
Don’t use anything bigger than your first three fingers together in a triangle shape, you’re still young and

love dolls

Love Doll

real doll

Real Doll

(Popularity Rate: 61 ) This problem has been bothering me. Will you look at people who already have sex dolls with a different look?

Edit: I’m leaving my answer up, but X sex booty it’s been brought to my attention that this is a fake question by a spam account created to promote a website. This question has been reported.
Sex dolls are simply a tool created to aid in masturbation. Other people’s masturbation habits are none of my business, and I won’t ask anybody about theirs. I will not look at anybody differently simply because their masturbation habits are different than mine.

(Popularity Rate: 79 ) Why is everyone so afraid of sex dolls?

about sex dolls
in one way or another. Be it the new sex doll brothel opening or the AI doll concept.
If you ask a random person, or randomly ask your friend, colleague or anyone for that matter, they will most likely tell you they ‘heard about itâ€? This is interesting because the sex doll phenomenon has only recently hit the headlines even though the dolls had been around for many years now; and not just the primitive blow up dolls that come to mind in first place.
Sex dolls, aka love dolls or companion dolls, have taken media by storm because of how they ignite imagination, how they symbolize the forbidden fruit and Fat Sex Dollseem to be crossing the invisible division line between acceptable and ‘weirdâ€?
Sex dolls and social media
Social media, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest to some extent, seem to have embraced the reality. But with some ‘butsâ€? Instagram being owned by Facebook does not allow nudity, therefore no naked dolls photos are allowed. Twitter being the most open is pushing the moral norms much further. There is a lot of adult/nude content, therefore, sex dolls are nothing surprising nor outrageous. Similar to Pinterest, which ironically, had been mostly known for arts, crafts, fashion, and generally female-oriented content.
In any case, though it looks like the social media are still afraid of the dolls – with the major reason behind this fear originating in the nota bene, social nature of those channels. An open association with such a controversial topic could still affect one’s public score and social image.
Real news, fake news and realistic love dolls
Traditional media outlets, maybe except the few mainstream ones, generally don’t seem to have a problem talking about sex dolls. And rightly so, since the topic is sure to guarantee following and readership/viewing. Some publishers are more conservative than others but in general, there is no stigma, rather underlying curiosity.
Sex dolls and experts
This is probably the most interesting area. A true clash of opinions, where the feminists, scientists, and psychologists from all walks of life openly demonstrate their fears and apocalyptic visions.
It is especially interesting to listen to some social activists, feminists and liberal movement leaders who swear by the opinion, that sex dolls diminish women, and that a sex doll brothel turns ‘women into objectsâ€? A recent article by Lisa Ayuso, claims that the sex doll brothel that was slated to open in Toronto dehumanizes women.
Now, this is interesting, X sex booty since in my opinion, nothing dehumanizes women more than official 21st-century slavery, which as one may claim, the prostitution really is. Not to mention sex trafficking and adultery.
Sex robots army
This is also very interesting. Another group of experts and scientist worry sex robots would turn against humans. Like, seriously?
AI sex robots are not a reality just yet. Those who write about or claim to have produced one, simply refer to a sex doll with some mechanical components and voice options built in. Just because your sex doll can roll her eyes, turn her head around and ‘talkâ€?to you, doesn’t mean she’s intelligent. This is not 2049 Bladerunner reality yet, but soon – definitely.
Now, among other macro and micro threats to humanity, to bring forward threat from hostile sex dolls, that’s just another level of sci-fi. Kind of a romantic sci-fi story.
There is really nothing outrageous or kinky about sex dolls. Most owners simply use their dolls for photography purposes, companionship and yes, to some extent sexual activity. Except for the dangerous and questionable trend of small, child-like sex dolls that #1 USA SEX DOLLS STORE
totally does not support, sex dolls store customers are intelligent, self-aware people, both men and women who simply see benefits of non-sentient companionship in their daily lives.
It should be a personal choice, not a political or religious issue. And as usual, those who scream the loudest, those who are the most outraged, are the usual susp

(Popularity Rate: 93 ) What are some photos that you would like to see repeatedly?

o look inside the living body. He invented the fuzed quartz rod, which quartz can bend light.
He is also the person who proved that alcohol destroyed brain cells. It’s by a process he named “sludged blood.â€?The red blood cells coagulate, slow down or plug arteries and veins, small ones at first.
The purpose of circulating blood is that the red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues. No tissue can live without oxygen.
He studied it in malaria, in burns, in many diseases. He invented a bed that looked like a canoe on a frame with a motor. The motor made the bed swing slowly from flat to nearly 90 degrees one way, back to flat, then to the other side.
This movement helps prevent the sludging of blood. I know most of you have seen nurses with a patient after surgery, turn the patient every 2 hours. Same idea.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize 3 times. He was Assistant Chair of Anatomy at the Medical University of Chicago where he went to medical school until 1948 and then we moved to Charleston, SC, he was Chair of Anatomy until his death in 1975.
He drove me to school every day, going around the battery in Charleston which was way out of the way to my school. Singing all the time-
“Pediatricerans love little chilerans, yes, yes they do.â€?“And I got a girl with a hole in her stocking, her knees kept a knocking.â€?He is where I got a “research geneâ€?and such lessons as “if you never tell a lie, you don’t have to remember anything you said.â€?I won’t

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