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y men. There are even courses for men only. I prefer to teach the men. I always make a special effort when stretching for them. I enjoy the lustful looks of the guys on my body.I like to wear tight hot pants and crop tops during yoga. It turns me on to feel how the men undress me with their glances Anime Sex Dollduring yoga. Some of my students are really hot. I get totally horny during a yoga class and feel how my real doll p***y starts to tingle. Some of the guys make me so hot that I get so damn wet.Sometimes it is even so bad that after the yoga class I take one or the other student to the side and prove my agility with a hot f**k on the yoga mat. I have even done it with several guys in the yoga room. I like to think back on that.’, “How about booking a yoga class with me and I’ll give you a little private lesson afterwards? It would certainly be cool if you f**k me from behind while I am in down dog. I can’t wait to try it out with you.”, ”, “But I don’t just like doing yoga. You may not be able to imagine it, but I also love to play video games. No one can beat me at car races. Would you like to compete against me? If you lose, you have to lick my p***y. If I lose, I will of course suck

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good looking, very muscular – and pretty much the most manly looking man there! Best of all he was American and here on business, meaning there was little chance of our secret getting out or any repercussions. I’m not really sure how it happened, but there was definitely an ‘atmosphereâ€?- and when my girlfriend suggested we go down to the basement, we all quickly agreed. Once there, he and my girlfriend began making out, and at the same time she unzipped his trousers revealing the most impressive dick i think I’ve ever seen! It was long, thick, smooth like cocoaâ€?and it was just THERE! …Right in my face.
I’ve never expressed a single desire to be with men in my entire life and I consider myself 100% straightâ€?but when my girlfriend put her soft hand behind my head, ran her nails through my hair and guided me gently towards his groinâ€?I couldn’t help but suck his dick! He had my girlfriend’s nipple ring in his mouth at the time too which only made it even hotter!
My girlfriend and I were exclusive, and barring one occasion where she’d made out with another girl—neither one of us had been with anyone else—that’s what made it so surprising. There were many ‘highs,â€?but one of the biggest was taking his wet dick and guiding it into my girlfriend’s pussy. That was especially hot! We were inside a locked bathroom and probably not being as quiet as we perhaps should, but I don’t think anyone came down, or heard usâ€?I hope. I lost count of the number of times my girlfriend climaxed, but it’s fair to say that one of the things she enjoyed the most—she’s reminded me enough times since—was when he was about to comeâ€?he took his dick watch love doll out, letting me suck it until he ejaculated down my

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at did not institute a separate ration class for officers.
In the Red Army, there were four ration classes. Class 1 rations were for officers and enlisted men in the combat units of the operational army. Class 2 was for officers and enlisted men of the service units of the operational army. Personnel in combat and replacement units not part of the operational army received Class 3 rations. Class 4, the poorest of the four, was given to guard and servivce units personnel not part of the operational army.
For the air forces, it went on a similar structure, with Class 1 air force rations for combat personnel of the active air force, down to Class 4 for technical personnel not in the active air force. Air force rations were usually of higher quality than army rations.
There were also special ration classes for airborne troops, personnel in hospital, and so on. Later on in the war, ration classes were introduced for intelligence personnel at the front, as well as bomber crews on long range missions.
A can of SPAM tinned luncheon meat. Sent in vast quantities as part of the lend-lease program, the SPAM had significant role in feeding the Red Army.
Class 1 combat personnel rations comprised of, from September 1941 onward, 900 grams of rye bread(800 in summer time), twenty grams of flour, 140 grams of groat, thirty grams of pasta, 150 grams of meat and 100 grams of fish fresh or preserved, fifteen grams of soy flour, thirty grams of lard or other fats(Karelian Front personnel received extra lard rations), twenty grams of vegetable oil, 35 grams of sugar, one gram of tea, thirty grams of salt, 820 grams of vegetables(500 grams Big Booty Sex Dollof potatoes, 170 of cabbage, rest carrot, beet, onions, and cucumbers in roughly even amounts, vegetable ration sometimes replaced by half its weight in groat for easier transport), six grams of tomato paste, half a gram of pepper and bay leaves, twenty grams of tobacco, two grams of vinegar, and 0.3 grams of mustard powder every day. Also, three boxes of matches, seven books of cigarette paper, and 200 grams of soap would be delivered every month.
From that down the line of classes, it gradually decreased. Class 4 army rations were 700 grams of rye bread(600 in summer), ten grams of flour, 100 grams of groat, ten grams of pasta, 75 grams of meat and 100 grams of fish, 20 grams of lard or other fats, 20 grams of vegetable oil, 25 grams of sugar, one gram of tea, 30 grams of salt, 600 grams of vegetables, six grams of tomato paste, half a gram of pepper and bay leaves, two grams of vinegar, and 0.3 grams of mustard powder every day. They also received 200 grams of soap per month. Interesting in Class 3 and 4 rations are an absence of tobacco, smoking paper and matches: probably because cigarettes were considered a necessity for combat area troops.
In the Air Force, things were richer. Even a Class 1 ration for the air force personnel contained only 400 grams of rye bread and 90 of groats: but it had 885 grams of vegetables, 40 of flour, 50 of rice, 50 of pasta, 350 grams of meat, 40 grams of fowl or other birds, 90 grams of fish. It had eight grams of tomato paste, five grams of vegetable oil, 80 grams of sugar, monthly 40 grams of tea, half a gram of pepper and bay leaves, two grams of vinegar, 0.3 of mustard powder, 30 grams of salt, five grams of potato flour, monthly 30 grams of soap. They also had a lot of things that the ground-pounder just didn’t get: such as another 400 grams of wheat bread, 20 grams of cottage cheese, ten of sour cream, 200 grams of milk, 20 grams of coffee or cocoa, an egg every two days, 90 grams of butter, 20 of cheese, 20 of dried fruits, and three of fruit extract. They also got actual cigarettes, twenty-five gramsâ€?worth in a ration, and ten boxes of matches every month.
I will not list all classes of rations in detail here: the rest of which are available here
in Russian.
All in all, the Red Army soldier certainly didn’t live a life of wealth and plenty, but assuming the supply lines worked well(which for every combatant of the war was far from a given), he was reasonably well fed.
How about the Germans?
German ‘Iron Rationâ€? packaged
German rations were also divided to four classes. Ration I was for troops engaged in combat, recuperating from combat, or those deployed in northern Norway and Finland north of the 66° N. Latitude. Ration II was for occupation, rear area and communication troops. Ration III was given to garrison units in Germany, and Ration IV for office workers, nurses, and other auxiliary personnel operating in Germany.
Ration I per soldier included 700 grams of watch love doll rye bread, 200�00 grams of any kind of meat(fresh, preserved, sausages) or cheese, 150 grams of various kinds of fat, up to 200 grams of jam and artificial honey(largely issued when away from field kitchens), 15 grams of salt 20 grams of pudding powder, up to one kilogram of vegetables, fruits and grain products(precise ratio depending on conditions), 8�0 grams of coffee, about 5 grams total of spices and other condiments, 7 grams of soy flour, 40 grams of sugar, 25 grams of condensed milk, and 7 cigarettes every day. The meat would usually be in form of sausages or canned meat: more rarely, a liver spread called Leberwurst was issued.
Of course, this was not all. Every unit, especially those that could be expected to lack supply in near term(such as recon units), carried two sets of ‘Iron Rationâ€?per soldier. This was meant to be used as emergency food. An iron ration contained 200 grams of canned meat, 20 grams of coffee, 250 grams of hardtack or biscuits, 150 grams of canned soup or a pack Erbswurst soup concentrate, and 25 grams of salt. From those iron rations, each soldier would carry a Half-Iron Ration, consisting of 200 grams of canned meat and 250 grams of hard bread in their haversacks, meant to be eaten during emergencies by order of the officer in charge.
There were also two ‘combat packagesâ€? issued to troops before intensive combat to provide the necessary energy. A ‘largeâ€?combat package consisted of 100 grams of chocolate, 100 grams of fruit bars or biscuits, and six cigarettes. The ‘smallâ€?package wasn’t actually lesser in terms of contents: it had 200 grams of hard candy in place of the biscuits, and was called ‘smallâ€?because the package itself was smaller due to the candy taking less space. Those rations were also used as after-action incentives and rewards for well performing units.
Erbswurst soup concentrate
There were also special rations issued to only specific types of units. Paratroopers were given a special ration before combat, consisting of two cans of chunked ham, two cans of real cheese, an 50 gram bar of chocolate(often ersatz but sometimes real chocolate), a 125 gram package of hardbread, a packet of lemon candy, a packet of coffee candy, a package of condensed milk coffee, and solid fuel to heat up.
You could also find rarer foods, such as canned stew, Luftwaffe condensed food in aircraft survival kits, and so on, but for the most part, this was it. The German

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th me in the same company ).
He told me don’t worry have sex and you will be relaxed and sent me the number. I didn’t care about it and did not take any action on it.
After few days he insisted me to call and go.
And I was having a holiday as well so he said what will you do in one holiday go know and he said wait I will speak and he spoke to that person ( pimp).
He said that pimp was his friend and he spoked to him and told me that he has given my number.
And the pimp called me and told me to come next day and he gave me a time, where to come i asked about money he said it’s 7000. I was like what ?????
But my friend did not leave me he insisted me to go there.
Finally I was in the place where pimp had asked me to come. And reaching there I called him and he came and I met him and he took me to that place. I stay in Bangalore. And he asked me to come near a place from there he took me to a place.
That place was actually a Apartment and he took me to a flat in the apartment. Once I reached the flat he offered me juice , snacks. He started telling me that you friend has told me about you and today all your tension and stress will go off.
He told me that I have to give 7000 and it will be for 6 hours ( My friend had already told him that I had a holiday and I was free the entire day ). He also asked what will you eat for lunch ( I was feeling weird ) and told roti and chawal. And now almost 20 girls came and stood and went back and he asked me to select a girl. But from a room 4 foreign girls came out and went outside and I asked the pimp is those 4 girls also available he said no they are little costly and I kept quiet and was looking in those 20 girls and all the girls did not look like call girls. They were pretty and nice. But suddenly a girl came out and sat next to the pimp and I was looking at her ( Pimp understood that I liked that girl ) so he asked shall I fix this girl. And my ( before coming there I had drank alcohol ) alcohol driven mind told okay.
Pimp was like okay I will arrange it with her and that girl who was sitting next to pimp got up and was speaking to the pimp in a low tone and after speaking she went out. While going she touched my cheeks and said am waiting for you come fast don’t make me wait for too long and she went.
Pimp was like 5 minutes and he sent all the girls inside and he took a key and some papers and said come we will go. I asked where to the girls place. He said you are not going to have sex here you have to go to her place.
I went with him he took me to a luxurious apartment and finally we reached a flat and he opened the door with the keys and asked me to go inside, as soon as I went inside he closed the door and locked and I was inside I was so tensed and from outside he said Enjoy your day boy and he told bye and went off. I was really tensed.
Then I could hear a sweet girl voice from inside who asked me to come inside she guided me where to come and I went to a room where that girl who I had selected was sitting on the bed.
As I came in she locked the room door and kept the keys in her bra. And she pushed me to the bed. And she asked do you have any sex fantasies? I was like no. She laughed and said you have a idea what you should do with me now. I said yes then she was like good. As you have some ideas what to do with me in the same way even I have some thoughts that I want to do with you. So she said let’s split the time and do it.
She told in 1 hours you can do whatever with me and I will not question. But the remaining hours I will do anything with you and you should not stop it. I was puzzled and told okay.
She told we have 6 hours and your entire tension will go off. Watch it out.
Then she told shall we start and I said okay and I started removing her shirt and started kissing her. And finally I removed all her clothes and she was standing there as soon as I removed her bra keys fell down and as I bent down to take it she kicked me with her leg and told not to take. And I kept quiet and was doing.
I kissed her body , licked her and what all I could do I did it and my 1 hour was done.
She said now see I will start and she pushed me to the bed and she fell on me ( I was thin and she was little medium sized ). Her nose was touching my nose and she was with her tongue touching my tongue and her boobs was fully on me and her vagina was touching my manhood..
It was really amazing. Her palms was touching my palms and she locked her fingers with my fingers. She gave me a lip lock kiss for almost 20 minutes.
Later she started kissing my chest and my body and she asked me to touch her boobs. And we have 69 style sex and she had doggy style , BJ, HJ and other types of sex. She gave BJ and HJ for almost 45 minutes each. And 69 style and doggy style was 40 minutes each I think.
Later at certain time she said let’s stop and let’s have lunch and went to the bathroom and poured water on her and came out. She asked me also to clean up and come for lunch. When I went into a bathroom it was very big that we could have put 2 beds there there was a bucked and a mug and on the other side there was bath tub , there was shower as well. While she was searching for the key which fell from her bra in the morning and she found the key and opened the door.
Even I came and she gave me a towel and she asked me to sit for lunch and in lunch there was roti , and chawl. And she served me and I asked her will you not wear clothes or towel now she said no. And while I was having lunch my eyes was only looking her boobs. And she was very talkative while having lunch. And we spoke a lot.
She was only 24 years and a medical student. And she was in this profession for fees sake.
And we were done with the lunch we were speaking so much that we forgot that we ahve completed our lunch half hour back and we were still speaking ( we were speaking about Bangalore Metro , Big boss series , about movies , about actors and everything ). She told me that 1.5 hours back we went for lunch and told me that she will not count that 1.5 hours.
After that she was like let’s start again and she told me that she noticed me watching her boobs while she was having lunch and I had no option and said yes and she asked me to press it until am satisfied and after that she kept her boobs on my face and asked me to enjoy it. She put another condom to my penies and started doing it she asked me to hit her ass as well and stretch it and she made amazing sounds ( moan sounds ).
Finally she started giving me massage she applied oil to her boobs and started rubbing all my body. And finally I cum on her stomach and she asked me to put it on her body and mouth.
Finally she asked me to carry her to the bathroom where we watch love doll both had bath together. She asked which mode of bath you want , Bath in shower , bath in bath tub or bath in Bucket and jug. I was looking at her she said okay come I will give you all the three types of bath and she on the shower and in a jug she started putting water to my penies. Later she went to the shower and she asked me to put water to her vagina.
Later she filled the bath tub with water and pushed me into it and she also came inside the bath tub started having sex in the tub. She took my penies and inserted it to her vagina and started doing it again and again.
Finally we completed the bath.
She asked me wait I will put your clothes and she put my shorts on to me , pant and shirt on to me. She asked me to put on her clothes she gave first gave me a bra to put and I didn’t know how to put it she said there is a button at the back put it and she gave me instructions how to put it , then she gave me her undies to put and I put it and then she gave me some cloth to put it on bra and while putting it I asked her what is it she told me but I can’t remember it now. Then she gave me a pant to put and I put it, then she gave me a formal shirt to put and I put it on her. But she asked me to open her pants and tuck the shirt in and I did it and while I was pulling up the zip of her pant she cought my hand and put it behind me and with her one hand she was holding my one hand and with her her another hand she opened my zip and Teen Sex Dolltook out my penies and inserted it to her vagina ( there was no condom ). And she left my hand and hugged me and told me sorry for the kick when the keys fell and when I tried to pick it up. She told sorry if I was rude. And kissed and smooched me and left me and she was correcting her clothes and even I wore my pants.
Later she opened the main door and asked me to come down and she asked me to sit in the car and we went to the pimp. As soon as I entered he saw the time and said welcome my boy it is almost 8.5 hours now since I left you there. So the girl told we had lunch and we chatted for long and asked to deduct 1.5 hours time. She told to deduct 1 hour since we spent it on speaking while having sex or to adjust the position or to feel comfortable. The pimp galdly said Okay and asked for money.
By then the girl had gone and I gave the money to pimp and came out.
Morning I was there at Pimp place at 8 AM. Reached the girls flat at 8.30 AM and was back in pimp place at 5 PM
It was really awesome.
Please note I did not mention a few things which I thought it’s not okay or good to mention. I did not mention what happened when we were having lunch, What happened when she touched my cheeks and asked me to come fast. I did not mention what happened or want she did to me when I saw her first time she sitting on the bed. I did not mention what happened when she kicked me while picking up the room key which fell from her bra. I did not mention what those

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s, to avoid the embarassment when your family opens it at home.
Most of watch love doll the sites courier this in a sealed package, so no worries if anyone will see it
For most of women growing up in middle class India, this subject was something we were to pretend to know nothing about until it was time to get married and make babies. ‘education’ was the illicit thrill of rifling through raunchy magazines that that one resourceful friend (we all had that one friend, didn’t we?) managed to procure from somewhere (no one dared to ask where for fear of being cut off). Needless to say, most of us grew up thinking the need for physical pleasure as dirty. Lessons such as these can be hard to shake off and, unfortunately, far too many of us still consider the pursuit of carnal fulfillment as something to be ashamed of.
While pre-marital or looking outside is still an absolute no-no for huge chunks of our society, even discussing is forbidden, frowned upon and a subject of great embarrassment. No wonder then that there are a shocking number of myths and wrongly held beliefs about the topic, even though it is a perfectly normal, natural bodily urge. So let’s set the record straight, once and for all.
We all know that There is no limit, real or imagined. self pleasure is healthy for both men and women and will not affect your ability to enjoy or your fertility. It will not lead to any other health problems in men or women. There is no age or life-stage at which one should start or stop self pleasure, nor is there any reason to feel guilty about while you’re in a committed relationship. It’s a simple physical release that should be enjoyed, devoid of guilt.
Toys are ur friends. When you want to feel the pleasure but are too tired to take matters in your own hands, toys are a god-sent. Hell, even if you’re perfectly energised and ready to go, toys can be a great aid to take the pleasure several notches higher. We all know of the Rabbit , but vibrators are not the only toys out there and toys such as anal beads, pulsators, nipple and clitoral stimulators, feather dusters, fleshlights — there’s a world of toys out there that can be used both . Definitely worth investing in, if you have access to clinically safe, good quality ones.
Figure out your pleasure 65cm Sex Dollpoints, self pleasure is a great way to figure out what works for you , to help steer your current and future partners in the right direction. What can be better than being your own sensual guinea pig? You can indulge your strangest kinks and fantasies without witnesses or moral judgement and understand how your body responds to different kinds of touches, pressures and techniques. Knowing your way around your body makes you more comfortable with it, which directly affects the quality of your sensual life. Not only does it make future more pleasurable for you, it takes a lot of the pressure off of a new partner learning their way around your body when you’re confidently guiding them.
Don’t forget to lock the door!Imagine your mother walking in on you just as things are getting hot and heavy. Or your father/ sister/ brother. Or your flatmate. Or Gangu Bai, who remembers she needs to clear the cobwebs under your bed while you’re rubbing one out. No matter how sudden the urge to pleasure yourself, always, always, always haul your butt to the door and lock up. The alternative is too embarrassing to contemplate.
And finally, here’s one parting pearl of basic, but often overlooked, wisdom… How about a friend, who can give you a helping hand from your trusted friend. its always fun to have someone help you. Imagine you are having a coffee with a colleague or friend after work, and you decide to walk in

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that you’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy. There’s everything from great value sleeves and strokers to realistic vaginas, and from sex dolls to prostate toys.
An ideal starter would be the Pink Lady Fleshlight. This sensuously soft sleeve has the life-like look and feel of a real vagin

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