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(Popularity Rate: 44 )

ted my first semester. When I got accepted into university, I was so excited because I was finally able to leave the stupid town where I grew up and start my life as a sex doll.”, ‘I bet no one from my hometown would believe that the sweet, shy Maybelle is now a dirtyreal doll’, “. To be honest, no one in my hometown knows what I’m up to in my university town as a student or a love doll. When I got here, I immediately headed to the first club I found in the evening and, after a few drinks, I plucked up the courage to speak to a man. I have to say, practice makes perfect and now it’s very easy for me to get to know people as a sex doll.”, “I’m known among my friends for partying without any inhibitions and organizing more and more awesome orgies. I’m a pretty open”, ‘love doll’, “and I’ve never said no to anything! When I go partying, I know I want to pick up at least three guys or girls. Yes, because, as a real doll, I also like p***y and I can easily imagine living in a polygamous relationship with you true strapon and some of my sex doll friends. Are you interested in

(Popularity Rate: 55 ) Is it right that sex toys are unacceptable in most countries?

, as soon as you make a medical claim or reference on your product or in your advertising you fall under the authority and scrutiny of their health authorities. e.g. Health Canada (Canada), Food & Drug Administration (USA) etc. Unless you have full clinical stuties to back up your health or me

(Popularity Rate: 18 ) Can someone having an affair with a sex doll say how it feels?

t semester of my freshman year of highschool (I am now going into my senior year). Let’s call my algebra teacher Mrs. M. It was her second year of teaching.
I will get our appearances out of the way. I never actually knew her age, but she must’ve been around 26, assuming she went to collage straight out of high school, and started teaching straight out of collage. She had straight black hair, and was around 5â€?. She was quite pretty in my opinion, with small perky boobs and a medium sized round ass. I was 15 at the time. I am 5â€?1, and I have black hair. For context of descriptions later on, I believe my penis was around nine inches at the time, and it is nine inches now. I am not noticably muscular, but I am in very good shape.
It was my first year of school in America, as I had just moved from overseas. If anyone remembers their freshman year, they probably remember very rowdy kids and lots of chatter, which is what Mrs M had to deal with, and I had sympathy for her. I am a well behaved student, and am pretty mature for my age. I sat in the front of the class, and I never noticed how beautiful Mrs M was because I was too occupied about moving overseas, and trying to fit in to the Grove of the states.
The first half of the semester went normally, and nothing strange happened between us. I am very bad at math, so as the semester progressed I was spending more and more time in her before/after school tutoring sessions, mostly alone, or with one or two other students.
Here’s where I start noticing strange hints from herâ€?during those tutoring sessions when we were alone, she slowly starting saying weird comments and things to herself. Things like
“It was so boring being alone last night”
“I wish I had a man in my lifeâ€?And when the bell rang for school to start, she would say something like
“Ugh, I wish we could just spend more time aloneâ€?And other things like that, weirdly personal. Looking back, I feel so stupid for not realising the sexual connotations these comments had. They were obvious hints, I just didn’t know it at the time. Things like this progressed even more, slowly and slowly. I was not sexually interested in her. I was getting tutoring sessions for the sake of getting my grade up. Honest.
Then I started noticing her comments getting more intense. She starting directing these comments more towards me, saying things like:
“You’re so tall for a freshmanâ€?“I love that shirt your wearing, you look so handsome in itâ€?(even though it was my everyday casual wear.)
Now this is when I put the dots together, but I was still highly skeptical. I began to notice stuff like this more often, and she was now talking like that to me in class. One day, as I was leaving, she gave me a very intimate hug and said “bye (name)â€?all swoonishly. I was so shocked by this, and it all hit me. She really wanted to be friends, like THAT.
At that point on, I started hypothesising�She is single (as she has made very clear), she is probably a virgin (as was I), and she has DEFINETELY been hitting on me all this time. Half of me was scared shitless, the other half was so excited at the possibilities.
So then, I started saying and doing things in return. I would compliment her intimatetly, I would ask more personal questions, and say things about myself, like
“Your thighs look so good in those tightsâ€?“ive always loved your hair like thatâ€?Saying stuff like this is awkward or intimidating with most people, but Mrs M was so natural about conversation that she made it easy and comfortable.
Obviously, things accelerated from there. When helping me with my problems and my studies, she would get very close to me. I would be sitting at a desk and she would pull up a chair and get very close to me. If I solved something correctly, which was rare, she would act happy and do small things like rub my arm or thigh, snuggle up to my shoulder, or give me hugs and sort. Most people would be nervous while in those situations, but at this point I had become very close to Mrs M and I was comfortable to do the same small things in return.
Now, this was all the build up. The defining day, I will now document anonymously on Quora. I can document it with presision. I remember almost everything that happened. I will keep the exact date private, but I will say that it was the Thursday before the schools two week winter break, and the day before the semester ended.
It was Thursday. I went to her after school tutoring as usual. It was me and one other student getting some maths done. The other student had an incomplete test to finish, and she did it in about 20 minutes. Once she left, Mrs M and I were alone. She was helping me as usual, and we had now moved to the bean bag in the corner of the classroom. It was a one person bean bag, and she had to get real close to me for us both to fit. Now, my favourite part about her were her thighs, and when she sat next to me so closely I put my math book on her lap to do the problems, which felt natural and comfortable. Although I had a problem. Of course, my hormones were raging and I loved every moment of being with her so closely, and more importantly, alone.
In this moment, and in these previous moments, I had always fantasized about her, and wished I could have sex with her, but I thought it couldn’t happen, and I was too much of a coward to make the first move. As we sat on the bean bag, she started playing with my hair, which she did often. This time, I couldn’t control myself, and my erection welcomed itself. I was trying my best to control it, but it was just too late. My bulge appeared, and I tried to casually move my book to my lap, but she had obviously noticed, and she was giving a small smile and she looked at it. I couldn’t really lay the book flat on my lap, and I that made me way more stressed out.
I forget exactly what the dialogue went like, but it was something close to this
“I understand. You can’t really control it.â€?I gave a nervous laugh. She started rubbing my thigh, but it was different than all the other times, because of the explicit context that had been created. I knew that this was my chance, so I put my pencil in my left hand and put my arm around her. When my left hand released my book, it slid off my bulge. She was still looking at it, and then looked up at me. I remember almost blacking out because of how much addrenalin I had. I looked up at her, and put my left hand on her shoulder, and leaned in to kiss her. She leaned in as well, and we kissed for about 3 seconds.
When she pulled away, she said
“You finally kissed meâ€?Or something of that manner. Then my cock was now raging hard, too obvious to pass over. Her hand was still on my thigh, and she slid up it and grasped it.
As for context of how intense and insane this felt to me, I was a virgin. I had never kissed a girl, never had a girlfriend. The only experience I had was watching porn and jacking off to it.
When she grasped my cock, I was speachless, and then realised I had been speachless that entire time. Too horny to consider the consequences of sex, it became my one and only goal of that afternoon. I grasped her boob, as I leant in to kiss her again. She seemed shocked and pleased about my supposed confidence, but in reality I was absolutely terrified the entire time. I do not know how long some of these things took, but I would say we kissed for about 3 minutes before I climbed on top of her.
The bean bag made for a comfortable bed, and as I was on top of her, I spoke my first words from that whole time. I asked if I can undress her, and she smiled and nodded. I moved down to her legs, took off her shoes, and pulled down her leggings. I had finally seen them. Her thighs. Her thighs were so thick and soft. Following what porn people do, I took of my shirt. She was just laying there watching it all happen. She then took of her sweater, and I helped her take of her shirt. She was now just in her bra and panties, so I took of my pants. She signalled for me to be under her by nudging me aside. I laid next to her, and she claimed on top of me. She went down to my boxers, and pulled them down. I was straining to sit up, to see what was happening. This was a first time for me, for many things. First time any woman has seen my hardened penis. She got up and walked to her desk. I remember that sight, seeing her in her in her panties, walking away. I was confused, but she came back with a tube of lube.
She squirted some into her hands, and started to stroke my cock. It was one of the best feelings if my life, having someone else do it. After a minute or so, I was lusting to be inside her too badly. I sat up, stood up, and moved around as to be on top again. She laid down onto the bean bag, and I pulled off her panties. This was the first time I had seen a vagina. I started to lick and stroke it. I ended up fingering her a bit, and relieved that she started to moan. I moved upward, and she knew I wanted to be inside her, so she lifted her right leg. I positioned myself above her, and slowly inserted my cock into her. After stoking in and out a few times, I concluded that it was the best feeling of my life. And I stayed thrusting like that for about 5 minutes. We were sweating SO much. She wanted to moan so loudly, but had to be quiet, as we were in school. She put her hand over her mouth to stop from screaming, but she still made so much noise. I felt really bad for doing it, but I had to slow down and tell her to be a bit more quiet.
I am going to be completely honest, I don’t know if she orgasmed or not. I felt really bad when I said I was going to cum, and she signalled for me to get off her. I got off her and stood up, and she got on her knees and started to suck my cock. This was the first time she had me in her mouth. Although it felt amazing, I preferred the vagina. When I came, she didn’t stop for about 20 seconds, and I had to pull away from her. She let my cum drip from her moutb, which looked funny in a way.
I laid down on the bean bag and she got on her knees next to me, and stroked out the last bit of semen out of my cock. She told me I felt really good, and was surprised when I told her it was my first time. She said she didn’t believe me because I looked like I knew what I was doing.
We finished my kissing for another minute or two, and she got up and dressed herself. I did the same. When I went to leave, she ran up to me and gave me a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
That night I couldn’t sleep. I stayed up all night thinking about it, and at that point, considering the possibility that we could have been caught. Even though the windows were blinded and the door window was covered, I was still so worried.
Honestly, I did not have any friends to tell this to, and I was too skeptical to send any texts to my friends over seas. The next day I was sleep deprived and dumbfounded by the very memory. When I got to her class, she acted so naturally around the other students, and I did the same.
Even though she did not tutor on Fridays, I still went to her class after the bell rang. She clearly expected me to do so, because she said
“Not today, I have something very important to doâ€?As she rushed pass me down the hall.
I followed her and asked for her number, but she said she was in a hurry and sped to the parking lot.
I was confused and a bit disappointed. The whole winter break I could barely think about anything else than that Thursday. I eventually emailed her and asked if I could get some tutoring during the break, but she didn’t reply.
When school started back up, I had a new set of classes, and a new math teacher. I visited her class after school on the first Monday, and she said that we couldn’t see eachother anymore, because she is too nervous of the consequences, and that she doesn’t want to “corrupt me any furtherâ€?I asked if I could meet her at her place, but she still said no and apologized. I said that I understand, and she is wise not to let anything continue.
We saw each other around the halls often, and she smiled and waved when we did.
When I finished my freshman year, and finished my sophmore year, I went into my junior year expecting to see her, but I hadn’t. Apperently she moved out of state, and that was the last I had heard of her. I thought I would gain a friendship strong enough to share my experience, but I never really did. This is the first time I have said anything about it.
Looking back, I know she was terribly wrong to do it, and I was terribly wrong to want it.
I can now say that I hop

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(Popularity Rate: 32 ) How fake or real is the teleporting/copying technology from the Elementary TV show episode “Uncanny Valley of the Dolls”?

moon. Those were on film as far back as movies have been made.
Star Trek is one of the biggest contributors to modern technology. Automatic doors, laser scalpels, cell phones, tricorders (there is an app for that), Google Glass, tablets, artificial intelligence, computer software and programs, 3-D food printing(replicator). The list goes on from there. Check out the History channels “How William Shatner Changed the World.” And there is more on the way, thanks to that show and movies.
Then there are other things we may not think of, but are here today after being in film. Genetic testing and DNA testing being wide spread using small samples and many varieties of samples was seen in Gattica (sp?). Soylent is a food product now (Soylent Green), even if it is not made with people as an ingredient. Star Wars gave us Hovercrafts and flyers (there are some very ep VII flyers out ther eif you have the Mese Dollmoney.
Batman and James Bond have given us smaller listening devices, smaller recording devices and other things. Superman introduced us to holograms.
Eureka! gave us the “smart drones” and lab grown meat. The Twilight Zone introduced us to plastic surgery being common place, so that we could have the same features as everyone else. Blade runner g

(Popularity Rate: 75 ) Is a woman in her 30’s too old to play with dolls when she wants a real child but unable to give birth so she plays with dolls and her husband finds this weird that she plays with dolls at her age?

It is a little odd, kind of like sucking your thumb as an adult. At this point in our lives we should have learned to self-soothe.
There is not a lack of children needing care, however. true strapon Even if her husband is not interested in doing foster care or adoption, many people desperately need a babysitter even if it’s just here and there.
I would imagine interacting with a real child would meet her needs better than role playing with dolls. And she would be making Best Sex Dollsa huge difference in a child’s life.

(Popularity Rate: 60 ) Why are sex dolls so important?

Why are sex dolls so important? I think for most people they are not very important. Right now they are masturbation Female Sex Dollstoys.
Some small? number of people are currently true strapon obsessed with them. The hypothetical existence of a sentient machine raises complicated questions about ethics, society, and social roles.

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