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(Popularity Rate: 55 ) How can I stop obsessing over Kim Kardashian? I know that she’s married, but I’m powerless to stop thinking about her.

Do you know her? You only think of her because she is in the media. She is as beautiful as one half of women. Also her character is questionable. All she does is posting her selfies. It is a woman that did not achieve very much. She is as beautiful as any Love Dollother thrust pocket pussy woman. Stop making cults of people who are famous. Not everyone who is famous is good.

(Popularity Rate: 10 ) What are some sex toys from AdamEve?

hands or save up buy some amazing and safe sex toys
. While I strongly believe what I just said to you, I also know the excitement that comes from wanting to explore pleasure and being broke at the same time. So, here Irontechdollare some expert-approved DIY toys for when you want to get out of your own hands-
For vulva-owners:
The infamous cucumber and similar vegetables can be lubed up and used for vaginal or anal penetration. Who doesn’t love a good olâ€?pillow-humping session and reliving you first orgasm from it? For the busy and horny women, removable shower heads are bliss as it allows you to bathe and b-aaaaah-th at the same time! Want to take advantage of your sensitive nipples to have fun? Grab some paper clips or chopsticks and tie a rubber hand to make nipple clamps from them. Everyone knows electric toothbrushes, phones, and sitting on washing machines are great “toysâ€?because vibrations act as the best stimulation for vulva-owners.
For penis-owners:
A lubed up plastic bag can be very stimulating for the penis. If you would love to be eco-friendly, you should use a sock because socks are cheap, always available, great stimulators and cum-catchers. Fruit such as melon and fruit peel such as a banana peel can be used as masturbators. You can use fabrics/clothes like scarves, sheets, or pillows, too by bunching them up and thrusting into them.
For Couples:
A little unheard but very pleasurable, necklace or bracelets made of beads or pearls are great to be wrapped around the penis and moved along its length while your partner sucks your penis. Who needs expensive toys to spank when you can use wooden spoons and spatulas?! Clean scrubbers or hair brushes can be used to give tingling sensations to your partner’s thighs, butts and breasts. It would feel greater if you have spanked t

(Popularity Rate: 59 ) Why do conservative men complain about liberal women not wanting to date them? They claim that conservative women are prettier and that liberal women are fat, ugly and repulsive.

iberal spectrum.
In this present environment, there is heightened hostility to men deemed conservative, especially ones who would openly fly the Trump flag. That’s going to be just about the #1 deal-breaker to a typical liberal woman (can’t say I don’t understand why).
If we assume that only 70% of the eligible men in DC are liberal, that creates a pretty big disparity on the dating scene. If political differences become a deal-breaker, that becomes three conservative guys chasing every conservative girl. Not the greatest odds. It would seem like the well-adjusted, attractive conservative women would be snatched up pretty quick in that type of environment.
Basically, these Trump guys have sacrificed their dating life in pursuance of career ambitions. They would probably have much better luck back in the home district.
But generally, whenever anyone is put into the situation where they’re going to be rejected romantically by practically anyone, before they can even get their foot in the door, they are going to get frustrated.
Finally, I didn’t see anything in this article about conservative men claiming that liberal women are ugly or whatever. That’s the kind of shit that gets mostly thrown around in alt-right/MRA forums by (mainly) guys who would have trouble getting with chicks of any political persuasion.
p.s. I’ve been watching The Wire lately (extremely minor spoiler ahead).
I just saw the scene last night where McNulty is on a date in DC, circa thrust pocket pussy late 2004, and shrugs his shoulders and was like, “I didn’t vote, what’s the point?â€?/p>

(Popularity Rate: 74 ) Are there any books or stories that are similar to Love of Seven Dolls by Paul Gallico?

er berth with him. He will, of course, help you.”
“Yeah. sure!” Mishti said while rolling her eyes.
“If some boy, of course, he will. You are so pretty after all,” she said chuckling waving Mishti a goodbye.
“Let see.” She waved back.
Mikesh saw the girl passing and smiling looking at the other girl her face was not visible from where Mikesh was standing but, now he knows her name.
Mikesh while listening to their conversation was upset the way the other girl laughed and said that she can have any boys seat as her friend, Mishti, whoever she is, is beautiful. That’s an absurd thing to say and it raged him.
He dragged his suitcase away from that girl raging the way they were talking.
“Huh…like everyone is dying to see her friends beautiful face.”
“Huh…Like I care!” He raised his maroon framed glass matching his marron shirt neatly fitted black trousers and pointy black shoes.
A gentleman he looked rising like a cloud in fuming anger on a girl who is damn pretty like a raindrop.
His Pastel pink Trolley bag riding on perfect wheels; gliding as fast as it could as the train was here and train’s coach was a little far away. Someone, maybe some girl, or the same girl he just saw from behind was walking alongside him, he could see from the corner of her eyes, it did not bother him and keep walking.
His steps were fast as they could; the wheels of his trolley rolling and rolling as it could. And suddenly in between of a rushed platform on that Saturday evening, his trolley bag decided to slide leaving his hand away from him but not far away and hit the person walking alongside him.
BOOoooMmm!! Right on her blue trolley bag.
And between the midst of his collision, the running world around stopped. Stopped for Pastel pink Blue collision for a few seconds.
It was the same girl. The pretty girl. Holding her blue bag. Waring denim Kurti a shade bright than her bag, white bottoms and a belt tying her narrow waist. A curl on her forehead waved in motion with her rolling eyes looking at Mikesh and the crash landing he did.
“I have no time for this right now.” She said
Mikesh frowned as I have.
They held their bag and keep walking till they reached 2Ac coach of Mumbai Howrah mail.
She carried her language on the train, he waited for or her to walk so he could put his bag too and not collide with her.
The moment they enter into the train both took a sigh of relief when the cold breeze of air conditioner hit them.
“Now, I will straight my legs and sleep. just sleep.” she thought.
She stopped walking for a second dreaming about the cold breeze.
Mikesh who was walking behind her looked at her curled hair on her shoulders wondered- Are they waving with the breeze or the way she moves. Coiled hairs black, brown and few had the shade of red that shined under the light. It bounced with air and he smiled looking at them
At one point he chuckled like a baby and the girl in front stopped moving and their bags BOOooMmm…collided again. She looked behind at him.
The man who was walking behind them tired of looking at these two walk dreaming people shouted from behind- “Madam, Sir, move ahead, let’s find ours sits. you husband wife can look each other later.”
“We are not anything like that” Mikesh almost shouted.
They moved forward. It was her seat the side upper berth and his side lower berth.
He placed his luggage below his sit.
She checked her sit something in brown cover was occupying the whole seat. “What is this?” she cried in agony.
Mikesh who was now adjusting his water bottle in that round space above the window.
“These are pillow and cushions for the whole train.”
“I can see that. why on this seat?”
“How would I know?”
“I am not asking you. I am just talking to myself.”
One coil from her curl stared at him in annoyance and then when her phone rang. The voice on the other side asked did you exchange your sit?
“Is there some boy in the below seat?”
” Yes,” ask him nicely with a smile he won’t reject it.”
Mikesh can hear the voice behind it recalled her of the girls giggling on the platform.
His anger fumes came back bouncing out of his head I am not gonna give her my seat they think boys are some stupid creatures.
Mishti asked Mikesh if he could look for Tc.
“Should I ?” he asked.
“Yeah. Okay. can you look at my luggage then? ”
She didn’t ask till now about exchanging sits. Let’s see how much she is gonna act before asking that.
TC came and said, ” Madam this luggage will be cleaned in an hour. You can sit here. Sir will adjust a little.”
“Should I?”He wanted to spread his legs to get some good sleep when TC interrupted him.
“Let her seat.”
“You can spread your legs if you want I will sit in this corner,” Mishti said.
Okay, he took one pillow rested his head, stretched his legs a little more, making space for her to sit. He closed his eyes and smiled in peace when the cool breeze touched his face.
And Mishti sitting in the corner of the sit quite comfortably though looked at his stretched legs and thought if she could do it too.
She sits in her place and started feeling sleepy. Every time Mikesh closes his eyes; he feels guilty for stretching his legs and let her just sit alone. He raised the white sheet from his face and looked at her. She was sleepy. Her eyes slowly getting close and the curled hair earlier which was waving with the cold breeze was swaying on her forehead. It was bothering her and now him too. He kept gazing at her thinking about the conversation he heard on the platform, her friend was right she is pretty but I couldn’t let her have my sit. I just couldn’t this is so wrong on girls sides. But she has not even asked you to for the seat she is sitting whatever is available to her.
He was feeling guilty. He wanted to take that bag place it aside and make her hands free so that she can side that curly coil of hair from her forehead which was bothering her or he wanted to do it himself.
could he do that or not? He thought about it for a while.
The train took a jerk when her sleep broke,” what just happened?” she yelled and the minute she awoke he took his eyes off her to outside the window.
“Nothing, nothing still my seat is not empty.?”She asked in disappointment.
“You can place your legs here from the side if you want.”He said calmly looking outside the window again.
She beamed and chuckled “thank you.” He smiled back.
“You smile too Maroon frame?”
“My name is not Maroon frame.
“Mikesh? from Permanent roommates? Have you watched it?”
“He is so cool.”
“He always makes mistakes what is so cool about him.?”
“Everything.” She giggled.
“I want to say something. I want to clear something.”
“What?” She gazed her big eyes at him and the coil of curl stared at him too.
“Nothing, nothing”
He was listening to music and she was reading something humming on the beats on her phone.
She looked at him, “why are you dressed so formally are you going for some meeting?”
“Formally I am not wearing any tie. so how formal?”
“Oh…I see. Tie means formals.”
“Okay…It seems like all Mikesh in the worlds are equally cute.”
He smiled. Even he tried not to. But he did.
Every time he smiles he thinks back about the conversation of exchanging sits. He thinks she wants just to exchange seats.
And all his joy ran out of the window.
They shared tea she told him about the snowy paths in Finland from the book she is reading.
They had a usual conversation about everything.
And then Mishti said, “I want to ask you something.”
His heart pounded the minute she will ask him for seat everything will be ruined. All beautiful will be soiled into grounds. He did not want that. He wants it to be as beautiful as it is. Like now, like ever, forever till the journey ends.
“What happened Mikesh?”
“Can I ask you something.”
“Yes. ” Mikesh said holding his breath.
“Did I ask your name ?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“But you didn’t ask my name. You are not even a bit interested in me. This is rare the minute I sit somewhere people keep trying to all over me. You are different.”
He smiled. In relief
She smiled. Looking at his sweetness.
“I am Mishti. I am going home.”
“I am going to a friends marriage for a day.”
“Just one day?”
“Have you ever been to Kolkata before?”
“then in one day. You don’t want to see my city?”
“I want to” he smiled looking at her worried face.
A man came slowly unloaded all the luggage.
“Look my seat is free now, I should go now.”
Then a girl in her twenties came to Mikesh.
Bhaiya will you exchange your sit with me. Please.
“Are you hurt in the leg or something.?” Mishti asked her.
Yeah a little bit in my leg
“I saw you were jumping here and there on the platform too. how could you leg be injured?”
“Don’t you lie little girl.”
“There is any old granny on my next seat. she is snoring all the time.”
Is he booked a ticket to hear her snore instead of you and you are lying again? Say the truth.”
“I want to talk to my boyfriend and granny stares at me every time I pick his call.” The girl said.
“Are you here to talk to him?”
“No didi.”
“Text him and ask him to not call and disturb co-passengers.”
“Sorry, Bhaiya for disturbing you.”
“Hey please don’t be offended. She does not want to scold you.”
” but she did. I understand Bhaiya. Your wife is so strict.”
“My wife…” This time he smiled gently and repeated in his head “My wife.”
They slept peacefully. In the moving train on their own seats with comfort and the whole night, he couldn’t stop smiling.
Next morning
Next morning about 7.30 train was about to reach the station journey was about to end. He didn’t want to get off the train and she, well she was smiling with joy. She was back in her city after two long years. She couldn’t stop smiling. They sipped tea together.
“I must tell you something,” Mikesh said.
“I thought you talked to me nicely at first because you want to have my seat.”
“I heard your friend saying to exchange seat with some boy as you are pretty”.
“Umm…That’s why you were so rude to me, Mikesh?”
“Yes. His eyes softened behind the glasses. “I was wrong and I am sorry.”
“Well, Mikesh you hurt me.”
“I am really sorry.”
The train stopped. Station arrived. Everyone started to unpack their load.
“I am sorry Mishti.”
“No, Mikesh. I am so hurt.”
“I am really sorry Mishti.”
“I want you to think about it. Mikesh. Think about it A lot…a lot… all day the, the tea we shared, laughs we laughed, The snow in Finland I told you about and everything. Then ask yourself, Mikesh, is it okay to think it about me?”
“Listen, my family is here. I am going. You enjoy your stay.”
“And, And…Think about me just me and I will about you and let’s see.”
He waved her goodbye watched her going. The curl on her forehead waved goodbye too…Till she disappeared in the rush of people.
All-day he thought about her. All-day she thought about him
He smiled and smiled and then got sad.
She smiled and smiled and some more.
It was evening the same train on the station he wearing a white t-shirt and denim. The maroon frames and behind those frames his longing eyes reminiscing all the sweetness she brought him.
She walking as fast as she could on the platform hearing the announcement running on the platform in a maroon dress.
He looked around the people of her city. It really is the city of joy.
I found my joy and lost it in just a day.
Suddenly she was in front of him. He stood up. Mishti you here? he asked rubbing his eyes.
She sat without saying a word beside him.
“Did you thought about me?”
“Did you miss me, Mikesh”
“Yes. Mishti.”
“How much did you, Mikesh?”
“I don’t know Mishti. All-day. I could think of anything else.”
“Are you still angry?”
“Hmm…A little bit.”
“‘Next time’ come at least for three days. Kolkata is so big. You know.”
‘Next time’ he smiled.
“Didn’t you miss so much in a day Mikesh?Right?”
“Then you won’t come to meet me again?”
“I will. Mishti. I will” he smiled and chuckled and giggled.
“Why you didn’t tell me before? I was tensed for the whole day.”
“Because I wanted to know that even for a day if I will stay in your mind maybe we have a chance.
“We have a chance.” He smiled.
See you soon

(Popularity Rate: 12 ) What is the weirdest sex toy you have ever seen?

ow and tell sort of way, in a class at MIT called “Sex and the Institute.â€?The class was created by MIT’s sex educator and a group of senior women who wanted to explore gender themes from the hit series Sex and the City. Briefly, the class watched two episodes of Sex and the City back to back which touched upon a theme. Then the sex educator asked the class to discuss the theme together and analyze its relevance. I asked to observe the class for an article I was working on at the time called “Red Light Education.â€?I was invited into the last session on masturbation (complete with Sex and the City cake) and the sex educator gave a matter of fact talk on a series of sex toys. The Rabbit, featured in the series, was the show piece that night. She handed it to the students and they uncomfortably took it, looked at it as if they were looking at a petri dish, and passed it around. I’ll always remember how nonchalant she was about presenting all of these sex toys. After setting up the first episode for the class to watch, she’d go sit by the side of the room, get out her knitting and go to town.
I was taking notes as all of this was happening as the guy sitting in front of me passed the big purple dildo my way. I looked at, faking some form of interested expression, and quickly gave it to the guy behind me.
It will go down as one of the most surreal evening

(Popularity Rate: 34 )

. Ever since I was a teenager, people and especially men have misjudged me. Yes, I’m a blonde”, ‘real doll’, “with huge breasts, but I’m not a hooker! “, “As a little girl, I dreamed of finding the ideal man, marrying him and being a loving real doll for him. But most guys didn’t want a serious partnership, just my services as a sex doll. But I’m a love doll with a heart and a brain and I would like to be treated well, which is why I don’t just hook up with the first man I see. My last relationship was years ago, and I haven’t found one who makes me feel like he’ll appreciate me as his real doll. That’s why I’ll stay as a lonely”, ‘sex dolluntil I find the man of my dreams. ‘, “Of course, you don’t have to be a real prince or to look like a supermodel. I like older men, with a bit of a belly and a weird sense of humor. I love it when my partner is really passionate about something and has cool and unusual interests. Because with my experience as an”, ‘adult doll’, “, I know what it’s like to be judged for who you are or what you want to be. I’m open to everyone and want to get to know them before I start making judgements. “, “Unlike my sex doll friends, I don’t just talk about myself, so tell me som

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