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(Popularity Rate: 54 ) What are the creepiest pictures you have seen?

s historic area came around to introduce themselves. Several asked if we had heard or seen anything yet? They proceeded to tell us their ghost stories. When we said no, they said, oh you willâ€?. Our house had a pool in the very back of the property. I enjoyed leaning against the pool wall facing the back of the house . There is an upstairs bedroom with 6 windows . I had white sheer curtains and the view from that window looking down at the garden and the pool was so pretty. Female Sex DollsWe moved there in July, so hot, the water felt great and we owned the house 4 summers. I liked to lean against the wall of the pool which faced the back of the house. I always felt as if someone was watching me. I dismissed the thought. Every single time I was in the pool I had that feeling. To my surprise we didn’t live there Very long . My husband began to say he disliked it there. It was so pretty at Christmas! Then I didn’t like living there. Then my husband began to say he hated living there instead of disliked living there.I told my husband I would call a realtor after Christmas and would start packing. When I would be in the pool, which was over 250 times, I deep down knew in my heart someone from the house was watching me – but it too silly. . We often heard thumping in the night and wondered what was bumping into the house, a raccoon, a possum?one day when we first moved in I was baking a cake and wondered how many Cakes had been baked in the kitchen in that 109 years..I turned around suddenly expecting to see my husband but no one one was there watching me bake. I had the distinct thought â€?this is my kitchenâ€?which gave me a really creepy feeling. It was like I heard those words in my mind. We did put the house up for sale, sold it before it hit the market and I took pictures of the pretty place. I had some of my favorites developed and to my shock, look at the lower pair of windows on the left hand side of the house. Do you see the Goblin? I call him the Goblin with the jagged teeth standing there. We had a patch of bamboo which hadn’t been dug out when the picture was taken. Is this who thumped the house? I sent the picture to a local paranormal investigator who then sent it to his paranormal photographer. He confirmed that it was not a trick, not a shadow, not a reflection, it was something, not human, not an animal. I might point out we had no children, no Halloween decorations because it almost reminded me of a Jack ‘O Lantern head…but the house Goblin also has a body, if you look you will see him outside of the windows, looking toward the pool. Photo attached…â€?.this is the strangest picture I have ever seen because I slept right b

(Popularity Rate: 95 ) What is the future of sex toys?

k for a long time. Save for advances in materials science, the humble dildo has not changed much in 4,500 years. They’re made of silicone instead of stone now, but there hasn’t been much innovation for a long time.
But the smartphone has changed everything.
The advent of the smartphone has made a lot of technology tiny and cheap. Manufacturers build smartphones in quantities of hundreds of millions, so that means tiny rechargeable batteries, processors, and Bluetooth chips are absurdly cheap–you can get them for dollars or pennies. The rise of FitBit has made biometric sensors just as cheap.
The last few years has seen an explosion of creative high-tech sex toys. A lot of this creativity isn’t coming from sex toy stores, but from amateur mad scientists building high tech sex toys at home. I’m one of them.
I’ve built a sex toy that’s connected to a small EEG, that you can control just by thinking about it.
Just last night, I published on my blog an article about a sex toy I built that’s controlled by gestures–you simply move your hand in the air to make it work.
Sex tech: Wave your arms in the air like you just don’t care
And most significantly, I’ve built a strap-on covered with touch sensors that’s connected to a small wearable computer and uses direct neurostimulation to let the wearer feel what’s happening to the dildo. I’ve applied for a patent on it, and am working to bring it to market.
Tacit Pleasures | Technology That Empowers
I have plans or prototypes on my workbench for way more–sex toys that operate by proximity, sex toys that respond to your bre

(Popularity Rate: 76 ) Can you be arrested for importing certain sex dolls into the USA?

First I’m going to establish some facts and personal background before actually answering it.
I am a victim of childhood abuse, both by confirmed pedophiles and abusers who abuse children. I’ve written about this extensively and some of the writing is in my profile. I am not a pedophile or anyone who has or would ever sexually abuse children.
Pedophilia, or a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, is something that some people are, although estimates of exact percentages vary. It isn’t something someone chooses to be, it can’t be conditioned into them or out of them. It’s very likely, given what we know, that some people are simply born pedophiles and there is nothing to be done about that.
Most sexual abuse of children is not perpetrated by pedophiles, but garden variety abusers who target children because children are easy victims.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at the goals here.
The problem with our society presently when it comes to pedophiles is that we simply demonize anyone who is a pedophile. They make a great punching bag because anyone who is attracted to children is obviously a bad person, right? The fact that they can’t help their attraction is completely ignored and we lump people who are pedophiles but don’t actually act on it in any way (including in viewing child pornography) in with those that do. Because of that stigma around pedophiles, there isn’t a lot of solid research on it and what research there is heavily depends on offending pedophiles as subjects. Pedophiles who don’t offend rarely sexdollonline take part in studies because of the stigma around being a pedophile, so we have a limited sample size.
As a society when it comes to dealing with pedophiles, the goal is and should be simply the reduction of harm to children. In other words, the goal should be whatever it takes so that less children are abused. If you look at it from that perspective, the answer when it comes to sex dolls that look like prepubescent children, is that if in the end it reduces harm to actual children, we should allow them.
As for whether or not they actually reduce harm to children, we simply don’t have enough data to say one way or the other. Evidence seems to suggest that it does make a pedophile less likely to offend if they have access to some kind of way to relieve themselves sexually like with a doll. There isn’t any evidence to suggest any kind of escalation of activity like using a doll would make someone more likely to abuse children. Similar to how massive amounts of evidence shows that people who play violent video games are actually less likely to be violent in real life and as porn use goes up people are less likely to commit sexual assault, we can extrapolate that people are less likely to act on their urges with a real child if they have some kind of ethical outlet.
The main way the pedophiles who do offend actually end up offending is by viewing and collecting child pornography. This hurts children and is wrong as well because you need to abuse real children to produce it. So having an outlet that doesn’t abuse children would make all of those pedophiles that fall into the trap of child pornography less likely to actually do that. This leads us to the logical conclusion as well, where if we could create child pornography without hurting children, would that be allowed as well? As animation gets better, this might someday be possible. These are thorny ethical issues that must be addressed.
The thing is, personally it bothers me and disgusts me. The idea of someone using a sex doll that looks like a child and watching animated porn of people having sex with children Is repulsive (and personally triggering to me). However, we have to remember that we have a goal in mind here and that goal is: fewer children molested and harmed. So if something that bothers and disgusts us but doesn’t hurt any children will make it so that less actual children are harmed, I’m all for it.
So in terms of whether or not they should be illegal I am leaning towards no. They should be allowed and we should do more scientific studies to make sure they actually do what we hope they do: make pedophiles less likely to offend. I would probably be in favor of them being prescribed by a psychiatrist or something like that, who would monitor the person using them and make sure they weren’t going to hurt a real child. However, this is outside of my wheelhouse.
Do they encourage and normalize a cultural climate that condones child molestation and pedophila? Why or why not?
It would in no way create something that condones child molestation. There is no slippery slope here. This has been brought up in countless other industries. Do movies and games that show violence condone real violence? All evidence points to no. In fact, healthy humans are able to separate fantasy from reality and that’s why we are able to enjoy fantastical things that we would never condone in reality. There is strong evidence to suggest that having these fantasies prevents people from doing immoral things in real life. This is why rape fantasies are okay, but real rape isn’t. It goes on and on.
As far as normalizing and condoning pedophilia, we need to normalize it in that we need to recognize that pedophilia or people who are pedophiles are normal and that they exist. We need to normalize their sexuality and help them not act on it. This is very important. Normalizing sexual abuse of children is not something we should ever do (and again, no evidence to suggest that child sex dolls do that). Normalizing pedophiles acknowledging their attractions and getting help to prevent them from hurting children is something we need to do.
Summary: As someone who has been sexually abused as a child, I am willing to support anything that prevents another child from being sexually abused. If that means sanctioning and providing child sex dolls a

(Popularity Rate: 57 ) Which is affordable 3D printer for replica and real copy mini doll?

no business need pushing the decision. A hobbyist or enthusiast perspective more so than a commercial or industrial perspective.
Will you be capable of understanding how to fix, repair, troubleshoot, and keep the printer going and tuning it in?
This alone can take some effort as well as some basic computer programming understanding, some electrical understanding and a touch of mechanical understanding. Also, you will need time and patience and the willingness to put yourself and your firmware files our there on IRC to get help when you have problems you don’t understand how to solve.
If you are a fast learner and/or versatile jack of all trades type then comes the next question. The first question just addressed the ability to build/operate/repair your 3D printer. The second question set is geared towards its value or worth to you in a capacity that it prints things out.
Are you willing or able to learn 3D drafting or modeling software in order to make a print?
Is the size and specifications of the items printed important? To what degree of accuracy?
Will the time spent on designing the part, printing the part, redsigning the part (or adjusting the printer) and printing the part at least once more, if not several times more, still allow the printed part to hold value over other means of manufacture, or obtaining the wanted part?
I feel that individuals coming from an artistic standpoint can possibly derive more value from the printer because the specifications may not be as important for printing figurines, or interesting jewelry, accessories, or the myriad of artistic capabilities.
I also believe the printer holds more value to those that are already versed in the software (like SolidWorks) and are able to be very efficient with their time spent creating the 3d model and making any adjustments.
I think a similar way to look at the value of the printer is similar to a regular printer. Having one does not allow you to more easily create an awesome novel, merely print novels you find written by others, or print your own after the hard work of writing it is complete.
If you are not satisfied with others work to fit your needs, then you will need to create what you desire, and the 3d printer merely prints it out once it has been designed. Many of the downloadable files are in STL format, for tinkering with the design after the fact is more difficult and limited to simply big scale changes like the scale of the print, not adjusting the size of a figurines nose.
Don’t think I am preaching all doom and gloom. Some projects can be rather simple, but as you progress you find even simple projects can be improved and enhanced along with your skill. Such projects are great for learning the 3d design software you choose.
An example would be a simple 2 battery holder that would seem to be just a rectangle box. Then you realize it would be nice to round some edges, add some Positive + and Negative – markings that are recessed. Then you want to curve the box so the batteries nestle in nice. Then you realize the curve can be hollowed from the outside to allow for a wiring path. Soon enough you have a specialized battery holder that is clearly marked for an end user, and is capable of nesting some of the wiring

(Popularity Rate: 93 ) Where can I find adult dolls?

, AliExpress
, there are American Sex Dollmany sex doll suppliers on these e-commerce platforms, and you can find real and reasonably priced adult dolls.
These platforms will have some fake product suppliers due to the registration mechanism. When you find adult dolls with very low prices, you should be alert to fake sex dolls or inflatable dolls to avoid being cheated.
2. Sex doll website
You can enter “adult doll” on Google to find a suitable website, but the search results appearing by entering “sex doll” may be more accurate. Here are 2 sex doll websites recommended for you.
Real Doll
Real Doll can be said to be the earliest well-known sex doll website. The product quality of the website is very high. The sex dolls are like real human beings. At the same time, the price is more expensive, the price range is between 5,000 US dollars to 8,000 US dollars. If you are looking for ultra-high quality sex dolls and have a high budget, you can choose Real Doll.
Website: Realdoll – The World’s Finest Love Realdoll
When I searched for different types of sex dolls, the website Zlovedoll appeared. This website has a very comprehensive classification of sex dolls. It is easy to find the sex dolls you want. The appearance of the sex dolls is also very real. At the same time, the sex dolls are very cost-effective and affordable. The lowest price sex doll on this site is only $499 dollars. If your budget can generally choose this website.
Website: Best Sex Dolls For Sale, Buy Realistic Sex Doll Online – Zlovedoll
3. Sex Toy Store
You can use the map to search for sex to

(Popularity Rate: 55 ) Is it gay for you and your best friend to have sex with a sex doll at the same time?

No. You can even have some sex with each other (which I sexdollonline highly recommend) and it still won’t make you gay.

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