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(Popularity Rate: 18 ) Do men see certain women as sex toys?

le both women AND men engage in this type of behavior, you asked about women so that’s what I’ll address.
Some women are mature and level headed while others are gold digging hoes. Feel me? These are the women that drain energy out of men faster than Bram Stoker’s Dracula. They’re just as cold hearted as vampires too. They have one common interest: themselves.
These are the groupies who run though football and basketball players with no condoms as if HIV and AIDS doesn’t exist, hoping to get pregnant so they can cash in on a baby. They are winners only in their minds. Now different things drive these women to pursue men with money, yet only they know what goes on inside their heads.
They have very little respect for themselves. They put up with being the side hoe and taking whatever punishment the man dishes out. They delude themselves into believing these men actually care about them when they know full well they don’t.
Now a man who will treat them right? They don’t respect them and don’t appreciate what they do. They use them up like cheap tampons and discard them with no remorse.
I don’t know what kind of man you are but I will tell you this: no one is able to disrespect Small Breast Sex Dollyou without your permission. These women can’t “toy with your feelings” unless you allow it. Reflecting on behavior you cannot change or control wont do you any good.
What will sexbot genitalia be more helpful is for you to figure out why you have allowed this to happen at least more than once. No one deserves to be disrespected. Yet, only you have the power to stop it. If these are the kind of broads you’r

(Popularity Rate: 87 )

This is, of course, also noticeable during lovemaking. I can get into positions in bed that others have only dreamed of. Few women are capable of it.”, “Have you ever tried positions from the Kama Sutra? I love the Kama Sutra, it had me hooked from the start. There’s only one problem, there are hardly any men who can keep up with me. Are you as fit as I am? Then maybe you’re the right partner for me.”, ‘I have sex with some of my pilates students from time to time. But to be honest, I am looking for a steady partner with whom I can develop together sexually in the long run. You can’t experiment as much with a one night stand as you can with a partner.I teach pilates for mixed groups as well as men-only or women-only groups. My favorite group to teach is the men. The way they look at me when I stretch my body really turns me on. Those lustful looks make my p***y wet every time.I usually wear very tight hot pants and crop tops when I do pilates. And I can really feel how the guys undress me with their eyes. Some of my students are really hot too. I often get so horny during pilates class that my p***y drips. Then, I will treat myself to one of the guys after class and get licked dry again.’, “Wouldn’t you like to join a pilates class sometime? I’d give you a private lesson where we’d be completely undisturbed. And when we are both warmed up and well stretched, you may f**k me hard. What is your favorite position from the Kama Sutra? I’m already looking forward to trying them out with you.”, “I am not only a pilates Instructor, I also like to play video games. I’ve won many a battle and saved a princess or two. Now, how

(Popularity Rate: 17 ) Can you share a spooky love story between a clown and a doll/ or (as boys do not play with dolls) actionfigure?

y I remember owning when the original Toy Story film came out looked nothing like the Woody from the movie :
This Woody doll has the wrong facial expression, his mouth should have the closed smile and not the open one with his teeth showing like the Woody model on the box shown next to the Toy Story logo does, his eyebrows and eyes are also in the wrong place and he’s fat and not skinny like the Woody from the movies. He also doesn’t have the right voice when you pull his pullstring (which should’ve been the Tom Hanks voice samples from the film instead of the ones done by his brother Jim which sound nothing like him).
I went to Walmart recently and saw this version of Woody sitting on the shelf and he still doesn’t look like the one from the movie : wrong eyebrows, wrong positioning of his eyes and he still has Silicone Sex Dollthe open smile on his face instead of the closed one with only his mouth showing, he never smiled with his mouth opened unless he was “alive”.
Woody’s dress shirt is also orange with the red stripes instead of yellow, and his buttons with the cow vest and his Sheriff star badge were printed onto the suit instead of the cloth with the molded plastic like it was shown in the movie (even the 1995 version got that right). Woody also still doesn’t have his real voice from the movies either, he’s still voiced by Tom’s brother Jim.
The only way you can get a movie accurate Woody is if you do it yourself, using bits and pieces of parts from the already released Woody dolls. I did see a version of Woody with the closed mouth at Walmart a year ago but the rest of his body looks the same as the other

(Popularity Rate: 45 ) What is the most realistic male sex toy for straight men?

good looking, very muscular – and pretty much the most manly looking man there! Best of all he was American and here on business, meaning there was little chance of our secret getting out or any repercussions. I’m not really sure how it happened, but there was definitely an ‘atmosphereâ€?- and when my girlfriend suggested we go down to the basement, we all quickly agreed. Once there, he and my girlfriend began making out, and at the same time she unzipped his trousers revealing the most impressive dick i think I’ve ever seen! It was long, thick, smooth like cocoaâ€?and it was just THERE! …Right in my face.
I’ve never expressed a single desire to be with men in my entire life and I consider myself 100% straightâ€?but when my girlfriend put her soft hand behind my head, ran her nails through my hair and guided me gently towards his groinâ€?I couldn’t help but suck his dick! He had my girlfriend’s nipple ring in his mouth at the time too which only made it even hotter!
My girlfriend and I were exclusive, and barring one occasion where she’d made out with another girl—neither one of us had been with anyone else—that’s what made it so surprising. There were many ‘highs,â€?but one of the biggest was taking his wet dick and guiding it into my girlfriend’s pussy. That was especially hot! We were inside a locked bathroom and probably not being as quiet as we perhaps should, but I don’t think anyone came down, or heard usâ€?I hope. I lost count of the number of times my girlfriend climaxed, but it’s fair to say that sexbot genitalia one of the things she enjoyed the most—she’s reminded me enough times since—was when he was about to comeâ€?he took his dick out, letting me suck it until he ejaculated down my

(Popularity Rate: 20 ) What happens to sex toys, when they are caught by customs in India?

ith respect to one’s bladder. The buses rarely stop and when they do it is in fields rather than at a proper hotel, dhabha, or bus stop. What is far worse however, is when the bus ride is throughout the day rather than at night
I have traveled on a bus recently and I am glad that I’m able to say that things have gotten better. Buses make stops at designated points and according to a schedule. Alas, such was not the case back when my friends and I decided to make a surprise trip to Goa.
Owing to the sudden nature of the plan, we were unable to book plane tickets. As for a train, PAH, you can’t ever get train tickets unless you book them months in advance or through that crowded last minute portal. Devoid of any other option, we opted for a BUS, from Delhi to Panji.
I remember as if it were yesterday, googling “What clothes to wear while travellingâ€? Google suggested some comfy jeans so that was what I wore. We boarded the bus at 5:00 in the evening, all 3 of us ( Pari, Karthik (Pari’s bf), and myself) and set out. As the sun slowly set and the sky glowed crimson, we talked and talked to each other as the bus rumbled on.
Around 8:00 that night, the bus pulled over at a Punjabi style dhabha. We hurriedly went, got a table and ordered a bunch of parathas and a Chicken Kohlapur. As the food would take 10 to 15 minutes to be served, Pari asked me to accompany her to the washroom. The washrooms were behind the main building. There were four of them, unlabeled as to which gender they intended to serve, and looked like this.
After checking most of the doors, we finally found one that had a working door, albeit no latch. Pari stood outside and stood guard as I went in and relieved myself. I then emerged and did the same for Pari.
We returned, gobbled up the spicy,hot, delicious food, and dashed back into the bus just as it was pulling out. Content and blissfully happy with our full bellies, we lay down on our berths (Pari and I on a double one above and Karthik designated to a single berth further back) and fell into a deep sleep.
Come morning, and that blissful happiness had liquidized and filled my bladder to an aching abdomen. I awoke around 7, as the sun rose, not due to my healthy early-morning-rise habits, but because of the pounding in my bladder. I resigned myself to lying down on my back on the berth, a sleeping Pari next to me. I assumed that, given the time, they’d pull over for breakfast soon enough.
I waited and waited, but that anticipated braking of the bus never came. I could no longer lie still on my back, the pressure was too much, I was forced to wriggle more and more to maintain control. After another 15 minutes, I knew that I needed to sit up if I wanted to stay in the game. I sat up in my berth, and, as I knew it would, woke up Pari by doing so.
Pari groggily got up, rubbing her eyes as she did so. She asked me what the matter was and I initially lied, saying it was nothing. I knew Pari and I knew she would make a big scene with the bus conductor. Better to just lay low. Pari initially seemed to believe me sitting quietly next to me. However, after a while, my incessant squirming, leg wriggling, and lip biting made my case known to her. She turned to me, looked me dead in the eye and asked me,
“Do you need to use the bathroom?â€?I thought of lying but confronted with Pari, I couldn’t. I shook my head in assent. Pari asked me to wait, and said she’d ask the bus drivers to stop. I wanted to object, but I was in dangerous waters now. I didn’t think I could hold on much longer. The very thought of a big green bush and the empty ground behind it made me a little bit damper every time it raced past my mind’s eye.
Pari went and began to ask the drivers to pull over. After a good 5 – 10 minutes of shouting (on both sides) they did. I rushed out of the bus, followed suit by Pari.
Unfortunately, Pari had created quite a scene. A hot young girl begging loudly that the bus be pulled over because of how badly her friend needed to use the bathroom, attracted the wrong type of attention. A group of young men, 4 of them, followed me silently out of the bus.
I sprinted behind the bus, followed by Pari. The moment I was behind the bus and completely out of sight, I yanked my jeans and my dampened underwear down and released my bladder. Before I was even in a proper squat my bladder’s contents gushed out of me, splattering the ground loudly as I fell into the proper squat.
Less than 5 seconds into what as fast becoming the best (and strongest) pee of my entire life, those 4 men turned the corner of the bus. They had approached from the other side. I immediately ordered my urethra SHUT and leaped to my feet, trying unsuccessfully to yank up my skin tight jeans. Pari was too far behind me to be of any use as a shield and the four men were treated to the sight of me trying frantically to cover myself. The hairy black triangle above the shamed orifice between my legs, was on full display. Just as I thought things couldn’t gt any more humiliating it happened.
My bladder muscles spasmed for just a millisecond, shooting a pressurized squirt down my inner thighs. The dam was breached and the squirt was followed by another and another and another. Just as I managed to cover my crotch with my panties (now soiled beyond all hope of re-use) the dam gave way, crumbling as it unleashed a colossal torrent that gushed out of me and down my legs, dissolving my dignity as it flowed into a small puddle beneath me.
Throughout all of this, the group of men continued to leer at me from the corner. I even noticed an unmistakable protuberance in the front of one’s jeans. I sent Pari to fetch

(Popularity Rate: 78 ) Is having sex with a sex doll cheating?

“sex.â€?The fact that it is shaped like a person does not mean that it is sexbot genitalia a person.
The word “cheatâ€?means “to break the rules.â€?If you have a rule with your spouse that masturbating with a sex doll is cheating, then it Lifelike Sex Dollswould be considered cheating.

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