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(Popularity Rate: 24 ) Why is everyone so afraid of sex dolls?
about sex dolls
in one way or another. Be it the male sex doll fuck new sex doll brothel opening or the AI doll concept.
If you ask a random person, or randomly ask your friend, colleague or anyone for that matter, they will most likely tell you they âheard about itâ? This is interesting because the sex doll phenomenon has only recently hit the headlines even though the dolls had been around for many years now; and not just the primitive blow up dolls that come to mind in first place.
Sex dolls, aka love dolls or companion dolls, have taken media by storm because of how they ignite imagination, how they symbolize the forbidden fruit and seem to be crossing the invisible division line between acceptable and âweirdâ?
Sex dolls and social media
Social media, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest to some extent, seem to have embraced the reality. But with some âbutsâ? Instagram being owned by Facebook does not allow nudity, therefore no naked dolls photos are allowed. Twitter being the most open is pushing the moral norms much further. There is a lot of adult/nude content, therefore, sex dolls are nothing surprising nor outrageous. Similar to Pinterest, which ironically, had been mostly known for arts, crafts, fashion, and generally female-oriented content.
In any case, though it looks like the social media are still afraid of the dolls – with the major reason behind this fear originating in the nota bene, social nature of those channels. An open association with such a controversial topic could still affect oneâs public score and social image.
Real news, fake news and realistic love dolls
Traditional media outlets, maybe except the few mainstream ones, generally donât seem to have a problem talking about sex dolls. And rightly so, since the topic is sure to guarantee following and readership/viewing. Some publishers are more conservative than others but in general, there is no stigma, rather underlying curiosity.
Sex dolls and experts
This is probably the most interesting area. A true clash of opinions, where the feminists, scientists, and psychologists from all walks of life openly demonstrate their fears and apocalyptic visions.
It is especially interesting to listen to some social activists, feminists and liberal movement leaders who swear by the opinion, that sex dolls diminish women, and that a sex doll brothel turns ‘women into objectsâ? A recent article by Lisa Ayuso, claims that the sex doll brothel that was slated to open in Toronto dehumanizes women.
Now, this is interesting, since in my opinion, nothing dehumanizes women more than official 21st-century slavery, which as one may claim, the prostitution really is. Not to mention sex trafficking and adultery.
Sex robots army
This is also very interesting. Another group of experts and scientist worry sex robots would turn against humans. Like, seriously?
AI sex robots are not a reality just yet. Those who write about or claim to have produced one, simply refer to a sex doll with some mechanical components and voice options built in. Just because your sex doll can roll her eyes, turn her head around and âtalkâ?to you, doesnât mean sheâs intelligent. This is not 2049 Bladerunner reality yet, but soon – definitely.
Now, among other macro and micro threats to humanity, to bring forward threat from hostile sex dolls, thatâs just another level of sci-fi. Kind of a romantic sci-fi story.
There is really nothing outrageous or kinky about sex dolls. Most owners simply use their dolls for photography purposes, companionship and yes, to some extent sexual activity. Except for the dangerous and questionable trend of small, child-like sex dolls that #1 USA SEX DOLLS STORE
totally does not support, sex dolls store customers are intelligent, self-aware people, both men and women who simply see benefits of non-sentient companionship in their daily lives.
It should be a personal choice, not a political or religious issue. And as usual, those who scream the loudest, those who are the most outraged, are the usual susp
(Popularity Rate: 10 ) How can I dress my love doll?
ferdent fizzing denture cleaner tablets.
I use Efferdent with cold water. It has a mild bleach that tends to fade clothing less than other detergents might. Denture tablets tend, instead, to brighten up the fabrics. Better yet, thereâs an ingredient in the denture tablets that seems to preserve the sizing (i.e., manufacturerâs starching) in the doll clothing, which helps the doll clothing to appear ânew,â?rather than worn out from washing.
Iâve used both house brand generic tablets and name brand Efferdent tablets, although I think Efferdent works a little better at getting dirt out. One tablet in a round plastic tub, such as the type that margarine or whipped dessert topping come in, cleans a handful of fashion doll clothes. Two tablets would probably work in a large bucket for American Girl (18â? doll clothes, but Iâd try one tablet first.
First, I recommend testing an unseen edge of the piece of doll clothing in the dissolved tablet water and checking for colorfastness before fully submerging any item.
Itâs best to air dry doll clothes. It sometimes helps to lightly stuff unbleached, undyed paper kitchen towels (Bounty or Brawny towels work) inside the parts of the clothes you want to fill out, like skirt portions or puffy sleeves.
On already somewhat âworn,â?sturdy, recently manufactured doll clothes, Iâve sometimes used a scant capful of Dawn or Trader Joeâs dishwashing liquid in cold water. Liquid dish soap lifts grease and makes a good cold water hand wash detergent, and it is less expensive than Woolite. However, I generally only use liquid dish soap on already worn-out-looking doll clothes, those with which I do not need to preserve a âlike-newâ?crispness.
For delicate vintage doll clothes, Iâve used cold water Woolite or Twin Pines of Sex DollMaineâs cleaning product âPerk!.â?Twin Pines of Maine makes cleaning products specifically for cleaning dolls, doll hair, and doll clothes, especially delicate vintage vinyl and plastic dolls from the mid-20th century. Twin Pines of Maine was started by a chemical engineer who saw his doll collector wife go through disastrous trial and error attempts in trying to find cleaning products that would not destroy her dolls or doll clothes. Their products are only for sale online. Twin Pines of Maine is more expensive, so I reserve their Perk! cleaner for difficult cases.
One thing I might add is that almost any doll clothing that is red or has a deep dye color in it may ârun.â?If the dye runs, and itâs all one color, the piece of clothing may fade. But if the dye runs, and the clothing has parts that are white or other colors, the piece of clothing will be ruined.
Mass manufactured play dolls nowadays will oftenâbut not always!âhave colorfast clothing. You still have to check by dipping an unseen edge of the piece, even when using cold water and speciality cleaners.
The trick to getting around that obstacle with non-colorfast reds and other deep colors is to first wash the item in a gallon of cold water mixed with one-fourth cup of table salt and one cup of vinegar. I use a generic brand white vinegar that comes in a plastic gallon bottle from the supermarket. (I recently found measurement instructions at the website PopSugar: How to Naturally Colorfast Your Clothes For Longer Life
, but Iâve seen similar instructions elsewhere.) Iâve used this method on vintage doll clothes that would have otherwise had their richly dyed colors run. Note, as the PopSugar instructions state, that it may take a second run through cold water, salt, and white vinegar to colorfast the item of clothing.
If you ever run into a cloth item that absolutely cannot be washed, like an old cloth doll or novelty item, there is one safe thing you can do: Dust the item thoroughly in corn starch powder, then gently brush off the corn starch powder with the softest baby brush you can find. It may take awhile to get all the powder out, yet this method can be surprisingly effective at getting surface dirt out of a âno-washâ?cloth item.
Now you have a summary of doll clothes cleaning tips that have been distilled and passed down orally over two decades and two coastlines, enough to get you started.
No one can vouch for the safety of these tricks in every instance you may run into. Of course, Iâve wrecked my fair share of doll clothes over the years, so Iâve learned a great deal from my own trial and error. Hopefully, the above-listed tips will spare you any frustration.
Overall, the methods described above have been the most successful ones for me when Iâve cleaned items in my collection, when I have sold spruced
(Popularity Rate: 83 ) Are sex toys banned in the UAE?
addition to drugs and radiation polluted substances, this list includes printed matters, paintings and drawings which contradict with Islamic teachings or decencies, used and inlaid tyres, childrenâs toys in the form of a dinosaur and goods which consist of led.â?The obvious first-guess would be something to do with religion – but UAEâs official religion is Islam – and there do not seem to be any prohibitions or contradictions between the scientific claims of the past existence of dinosaurs and the Quran. Indeed many references that pop up if you google âIslam dinosaursâ?are from their religious experts saying that theyâre OK with the concept.
Another odd thing that pops up is that the UAE is one of VERY few places in the world where no dinosaur fossils have ever turned up.
I get no sense that they donât believe in them though.
This photo (taken in 2008) is from Abu Dhabi airportâ¦where there is/was a skeleton on display:
So it seems Japanese Sex Dollsexceedingly implausible that there is truly this weirdly-specific restriction – any yet no others. I could, for example, imagine a restriction on toys that are realistic depictions of firearms or something of that nature – but why dinosaurs so incredibly specifically?
This website:
Dubai based startup bringing dinosaurs to AR
â¦talks SPECIFICALLY about a store in UAE selling dinosaur models and toys that look very much like ones I see on sale in the USA – they must surely have been imported.
My guess (and itâs only a guess) is that this is a mistranslation of the original Arabic language document.
Well, the content of that customs document is in very poor English.
To pick just one example from my quote above, âchildrenâs toys in the form of a dinosaur and goods which consist of ledâ?- do they mean to ban items containing LEDâs (Light Emitting Diodes)? Surely not – probably, they mean âleadâ?- which is poisonous and not something you want in childrens toys.
So given the poor quality of the English – Iâd bet that the document was automatically translated (eg by Google Translate or something similar) – maybe there is a translation error and âdinosaurâ?should actually be some other word?
(Just for grins, I used Google Translate to translate âdinosaurâ?into arabic (and because I donât speak arabic) – back the other way, in the hope that maybe the word also means âdangerous weaponâ?or something! But sadly, all I get back is âDinosaurâ?)
I donât see the original arabic language for this page anywhere so itâs hard to confirm my guess – but it seems SO insane that the only restriction on childrens toys is dinosaurs, that this simply cannot be correct.
Hopefully some arabic speaker could help out with a more plausible translation?
I would bet a considerable s
(Popularity Rate: 66 ) What is the best male sex toy that I can make easily?
I would suggest that you try making a âflesh lightâ?which is something that you can use as a masturbatory aid that can try to mimic the feeling of a vagina.
Here are some examples
18 male sex doll fuck More Ways American Sex DollTo DIY A Fleshlight Than The World Ever Asked For
(Popularity Rate: 94 ) Can I purchase any sex toys online in Panchkula?
Yes u can.
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(Popularity Rate: 93 ) What is the rate of real silicon sex dolls in India?
arried and in the common situation of having their lady lose her interest in sexuality either because they never had any (1/4 or more of women have little interest in sexuality but they do want marriage and children-and very few women who do have stronger sex drives will have such a drive for more than a few years while men have 50+ years of very high sex drives) or because of health problems. The male is left with a terrible emotional and physical void to fill regarding the most powerful urge beyond hunger and it is 100% his problem with society and his spouse likely being hostile to any solutions he might take other than abstinence.
The biggest advantage of the dolls is not the interaction that the media likes to overplay in a bid to turn the men into weirdos (treating the doll as a human for purposes other than sex, etc which I think is a bit odd since I just see them as tools). The advantage is that the male gets to have a more fulfilling sex life from the doll than from abstinence or masturbation. Yes, yes, you could do marriage counseling and health management to try to retrieve the sex life and you should, but 80-90% of the time any slowdown in sex is permanent in relationships and this male sex doll fuck is so common it is normal. Female sex drive issues are mostly complex and insoluble as the medical industry has unhappily learned. How is it more fulfilling? Surprisingly, it can be a really good workout and can inspire the man to work out more. It feels much better than you would expect, despite being obviously not as good as the real thing in ways. Afterwards, you have more of the feeling of satisfaction from having actually done something rather than sitting around waving your right hand and it is easier on the genital skin as the soft rubber or silicone is softer than hands. It is an excellent alternative to an affair, which wont help anybody anyway long-term. Women don’t get involved with men for physical sex, they are always looking for something else and the sex is a means to an end. The doll has no such agenda other than the cost. Men see the loss of sexuality as death and cannot disclose this feeling
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