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(Popularity Rate: 43 ) Would my wife enjoy sex toys?
ed unit and shout, âLook what I got for you!â?she may cringe in fear and that first impression may be the only one that sticks in her head. bring it gently into a conversation and gauge the response. if she says, âonly perverts and whores use those thingsâ?then I highly doubt it will be any part of your sexual repertoire in the near future. some women find them a welcome addition, particularly if applied in the right way. some may try them but find it takes away from the natural pleasure (like a cheap one that is so loud it sounds like your bedroom is a workshop) so it may pay to investigate your purchases before you make them.
I was going out with a woman for a while. she asked me to get her one because she was too embarrassed. she was special so I g
(Popularity Rate: 92 )
lot of trophies and medals. After graduating from school, I studied sports. I actually wanted to be a sports teacher. But then I walked through the city and noticed a cute gym in a prime location which was empty. So, I decided to buy it and open my own gym. I also train there myself and enjoy feeling the greedy glances of the men on my”, ‘sex doll’, “body. Wouldn’t you like to train with me? Of course, we can also do a few special training sessions when Iâm your love doll, if you know what I mean.”, ‘In my gym there are sometimes special training offers outside of business hours. As areal doll’, “, I’m really into orgies. I like it hard and I really like to be used properly as someoneâs sex doll. I prefer to have fun with three men at the same time. When one of the guys finish on me, it’s the next one’s turn. I will do that until I am exhausted! As a sex doll, I can take a lot! So, a session can last for a few hours.”, ‘Some of my customers take part in these orgies. I simply choose the ones I find hottest as alove doll’, “. However, men who don’t work out are also allowed to take part. As long as they have good Huge Tits Sex Dollstamina and are as persistent as possible, they can have sex with me as their real doll. Onc
(Popularity Rate: 45 ) What would happen if I sent my friend in Boot Camp a blow up doll?
o that for ?
A. You shouldnât f*** with the Marine Corps, or one of our recruits. Especially not with some half-assed stunt like that. A dumb question like yours is immature, not funny in the least, and shit like that may result in a knock on your door from some dude that is not much amused at your pee-wee Herman brain-fart.
B. Making Marines is a very serious business ! Making civilian assholes laugh is not on our list. Signs and placards to announce most everything your thick, hollow, work resistant skulls could possibly dislike, can and will be used to beat you to the ground with.
With 144 years in our refinement of skills to rid ourselves of our enemies, the Marine Corps has proven, time and again :
fucking with Marines is indicative of the facts that you are brain dead;
your other parts will soon follow;
or you shall be incarcerated pending charges:
for violation of several statutes concerned with postal abuse/misuse
as well as any other chickenshit that our administrative support group can jot down.
Childish questions, such as this question you posted – âWhat ifâ?blah blah blah â?donât amuse the Corps, our recruits, or those Drill Instructors who are training them to eliminate our enemies world wide.
I strongly suggest that you cease any thoughts about âwhat ifâ?scenarios;
I strongly suggest that you cease further discussions;
about sending porno of any type onto a military installation;
these strong suggestions include your rubber-doll girlfriend,
I very strongly recommend that you do so â?IMMEDIATELY !
Put your eyeballs up close and read the following, and use your sponge to absorb it.
C. Official lists of what to bring and what not to bring to the recruit depot can be found in the MPPM and in The Making of a Marine handout, located in the poolee Welcome Aboard package. You obviously do not have one so continue reading :
Some of the obvious CONTRABAND TO AVOID BRINGING or shipping to a Marine Recruit
Knives, guns, brass knuckles or anything that may be used as a personal weapon
Dice, playing cards or anything that may be used to gamble
Magazines, books, crossword puzzles or any other media that is not of a religious nature
Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, lighters or any other tobacco products
Large photo albums (a few photos are permitted but space is limited)
Material that is pornographic or can be considered questionable
Any over-the-counter medications to include vitamins and supplements
Aerosol sprays of any kind (hairspray, deodorant, starch)
Things a Marine Recruit SHOULD bring to boot camp:
Recruiterâs business card
Picture identification of the recruit reporting to MCRD
Social Security card of the recruit reporting to MCRD
Proof of college completion, if any, of the recruit reporting to MCRD
Bible or religious material
A few appropriate pictures
Small address book, or better yet, a sheet of paper with addresses
Book of stamps
No more than $10 in cash
D. Marine Recruits En-route to MCRD San Diego or MCRD Paris Island
As you travel to Marine Boot Camp
You are expected to be dressed appropriately, clean & neat appearing.
You are expected to arrive sober and with minimal personal items.
Wear shoes & socks, underwear, trousers with a belt and a shirt tucked in.
An t-shirt (of any type or style) is not considered appropriate wear for travel in the public. Do not show up in your underwear.
If you arrive in incorrect attire, you will be taken aside for individual counsel and privately explained any Marine Corps policy and instruction that you do not understand. You will quickly understand how to correct your misunderstanding of our expected decorum.
LESS is better than more ! â? and recruits wonât be needing baseball caps, cowboy hats or a suitcase full of clothing. What you are wearing will be enough civilian Pregnant Sex Dollclothing, and that will not be needed for very long.
ââââââââââ? Recruits Friends & Family – NOTICE ââââââââââââ?
There is nothing anyone need to send to a recruit undergoing MCRD training.
You are encouraged to send letters to your Marine Recruit. You will be sent a letter which will contain his/her mailing address when it is assigned. Do not enclose anything with your letters, with the exception
(Popularity Rate: 24 ) Is it legal for me to buy a sex toy in Canada? I am a student in middle school. Is it legal?
Most online retailers of sex toys will latest sex dolls ask if youâre of ageâ?They never go any further in age query than that.
One could then still 6YE Dollorder items and have them shipped to them.
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This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to latest sex dolls unblur it.
(Popularity Rate: 12 ) While sorting through a deceased person’s possessions, what is the most disturbing thing you found?
nd first:
My father had only one sibling: A much younger brother (thanks to the intervening years of WWII).
My uncle was always the black sheep of the family, and an odd one. He was racist, but dated a black woman for a while. He was a bigot, but once brought a Jewish friend over to our place for Christmas. He was clearly a âbeforeâ?photo in a print hair product ad, but insisted he was the âafterâ?photo.
He was married for a while, but he and his wife (who was rather unpleasant herself) had an extremely nasty divorce, and his wife eventually won sole custody of their one child.
They lived a couple hours drive away, and weâd visit him at least a couple times a year before the divorce. One of the things he was proud of was his big screen rear projection TV. My brother and I would watch movies he recorded off of cable whenever we visited (sometimes trying to ignore the shouting matches between my uncle and his wife in the background).
After my uncleâs divorce, heâd visit us at least once a year (on Christmas). At first, heâd bring his son (my cousin), but later came on his own when he was restricted to supervised visits. My cousin was always ill-behaved, and he and my uncle would wear the same clothes (one year, both showed up in camouflage outfits). Whenever my uncle would start badmouthing his ex within earshot of my cousin, my parents would tell him to shut up. Eventually, his ex-wife got sole custody, changed her name, and we have no idea where she or my cousin are to this day.
My uncle wouldnât let us visit him at the smaller house he moved into after the divorce.
When my grandmother in Germany died, my mother and uncle flew there to settle the estate. He took some things that were meant for us, including an antique cabinet, my fatherâs own 1950s comic book collection, and (something my father wanted back) my fatherâs old movie magazine collection. My uncle physically intimidated my mother into letting him take all of the above. She was too frightened to protest. Whenever my uncle visited us, my father would ask about our property that was still in his custody. My uncle would deny having the cabinet, and say the comics and magazines were possibly in boxes he hadnât had a chance to go through yet. And, no, we couldnât visit and look through his boxes ourselves.
When my uncle died (he had a heart attack when he was working on restoring his cheap old Mercedes at a garage), we finally got to see where he had been living alone for the past 10 or so years. The mystery of why we werenât allowed to visit him was solved. The place was a nightmare.
It looked like a nice enough townhouse from the outside, but the first room inside was a living room with a floor almost completely covered with piles of VHS tapes â?there were hills of plastic all over, consisting of either used tapes he bought from Blockbuster or blank tapes with movies recorded on them. There was a (dirty) comfy chair, and the same rear-projection TV my brother and I watched movies on as kids (now very outdated technology). When we tried it, the picture on it was barely visible. We couldnât see how watching his films on it could be all that enjoyable. He didnât have a DVD player, although they were becoming pretty standard by then.
The antique cabinet we were supposed to inherit from my grandmother, which he claimed not to have, was there too, piled with VHS tapes (mostly his VHS collection of Star Trek TNG). The cabinet my grandmother was so proud of was all scratched up, dirty and in poor condition. It was one of the things we left for the landlord to sell off, to offset what would no doubt be large cleaning costs.
Lying around the kitchen were numerous garbage bags filled with trash, some containing milk that was months out of date. Some of the food in the fridge was moldy.
The bathroom was piled with junk. Everything was covered in mold. He had placed a tiny mat in the bathtub where he obviously stood to take showers â?the rest of the tub was covered in mold.
In fact, all the rooms were full of bags of garbage, boxes of papers and other items, and some items just lying around. You could barely move around. It was like the house had little islands where he spent his life when he wasnât at the garage, like the bed, the chair in the living room (where heâd watch tapes on his crappy old TV), a small chair and table in the kitchen, the mat in the bathtub, etc.
The rent was paid until the end of the month, so my parents and I (I had time off from school) took some time to go through everything and see what if anything could be salvaged. My father found his old movie magazines. I found a really old issue of Detective Comics that through years of abuse had turned into a falling apart, moldy rag, and thatâs it.
My father went through all my uncleâs old papers. The many documents, including reports from social workers, letters from his sonâs school, letters from both partiesâ?lawyers, court documents, etc, all built up an extremely depressing picture.
My uncle, for example, accused his ex-wife of shacking up with criminals and drug dealers. He also made accusations of at least one boyfriend sexually abusing my cousin. For example, there were pictures supposedly drawn by my cousin suggesting his mother had sex or took drugs in front of him, and that he was touched inappropriately by one man. Did my cousin really draw those himself, or was he coached into drawing them? We have no idea. From reports, they had been shown to social workers, etc, but they never found cause to take my cousin away from his mother. We doubted the mother was entirely innocent â?we saw what a hateful, vindictive person she could be â?but drug abuse and sexual abuse? We had no idea what was fact and what was fantasy, but have little doubt my uncle believed at least some of it.
We do know that my uncle put my cousin through some emotional and psychological abuse himself (which is why he lost all visitation rights). Hereâs a report from my cousinâs school about how whenever my ex-aunt dropped him off for class, my uncle would show up later, drag him out of class, and insist on changing him out of clothes his mother (the ex-wife) had dressed him in. Hereâs a letter from the school, banning my uncle from entering the premises due to the distress he was causing his son. Etc.
Hereâs a mini-tape recorder and tapes of phone conversations, and meetings where you can only understand the occasional word because, we assume, my uncle recorded the meetings secretly.
There were also documents showing he had at least contemplated taking his son out of the country, e.g. researching which countries would not return his son to Canada.
The only thing we know for certain is this: My cousin went through some horrible experiences, and was caught in the middle of a war between two very selfish, immature people.
It must have been hell for my father to go through these documents. My brother and I grew up despising my uncle as a pathetic creature. But to my poor father, it was his baby brother whom he still loved despite his faults. It was shattering for him to see all this evidence of my uncleâs mental deterioration. He also had fond memories of holding my cousin when he was still a baby, so seeing what he went through would also have hurt. My father loved kids and was latest sex dolls always great with them.
My father also dug up my uncleâs will and any other records he could. My mother was named executor. Everything was left to my parents, and his wife explicitly excluded. My parents hired a lawyer to settle the estate, knowing that my uncleâs ex would likely be hostile. Their intention was to ensure the ex was informed, and to give her and my cousin a share of the estate.
The police got into contact with my uncleâs ex-wife, who refused to speak to any of us. She was predictably only interested in claiming as much of the estate as she could. And she asked for some astronomically ridiculous amount â?something like $1 million from an ex who no longer owned any property, hadnât worked for ages, and had spent almost all of his money on legal bills and quack treatments for heart problems.
The most valuable item in the estate was a scholarship plan my uncle had saved up for my cousin. Excepting a small payout, the money he invested into it could only be claimed by my cousin if he was actually accepted into university. My parents considered it to belong to my cousin. I have no idea if my cousin made use of the scholarship, or if his mother claimed the payout and ran.
After legal fees? The estate was pretty much nothing but the scholarship and what was left in his bank account. Despite her being cut out of the will, I think my parents also paid a bit out of pocket to my ex-aunt just to get it over with.
The Mercedes my uncle was working on when he died? It was a worthless, ugly piece of crap. My parents wound up giving it away to an elderly neighbour who was a really great guy but a bit of a hoarder and collector of junk himself, so he could at least drive it the short distance to town to buy groceries (all the hunk of scrap metal was good for).
My father (now deceased) never got to see his nephew again, or even talk to him on the phone to ask how he was doing. My cousin made no attem
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